Chapter |38| Savouring Peace

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"Am I hallucinating? Or are those fluffy rabbit socks?" I glanced down at my white fluffy socks, completely with tiny ears that popped up and a funny eyes

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"Am I hallucinating? Or are those fluffy rabbit socks?" I glanced down at my white fluffy socks, completely with tiny ears that popped up and a funny eyes. Kai's idea of a Christmas present after the 150 dollar bottle of whiskey I had specially tracked down for him.

Still, they did the job of keeping my toes warm.

I laughed. "You're not hallucinating. See," as my feet stomped on the ground, the ears lifted up and then down. "Don't you like them?"

"I love them." He was practically squeezing to death but I didn't care as long as he could hold me. "But I would very much rather you take them off."

I feigned shock. "Foot fetish? Geez Aaron you've really changed in these past few months."

"Shut up." He nudged me against my ribs, tickling me up and down with long fingers. "I just meant I really want to consummate the new beginning to our relationship."

"Me too." I murmured lowly, pecking his lips. I snuck a quick glance to Knox, who was seated on a chair in the corner too occupied with his phone to notice us.

Mia and Tristan had snuck out a while ago, but Knox was waiting for the mole to wake up again. He screamed around ten minutes ago after discovering his amputated hand, and then passed out.

Normally I don't condone violence but this man was actively trying to murder us, was feeding information to Mikhail and lied to us all from the start. Aaron was being pretty generous in only taking the hand.

"We could leave now." He suggested, and although that sounded perfect right now, I had something I needed to do first.

"You need to figure out what to do with the mole first and then rest. Get Knox to drop you off at the house and then we"

"Talk? Or you mean you'll take your panties off and let me eat you out for all the time I've missed with her."

I couldn't the chuckling. "Her? You really just referred to my pussy in the second person? And admit to missing her more?"

"Yes, I did. Is there a problem?"

"Jerk." I shoved him lightly, gently clambering off his lap. Bending over, I gently brushed his lips, finding a moment of solace amiss the dark storm brewing inside of me. "Bye Knox."

He raised a hand in goodbye, silent as ever as I walked out towards the spare car stashed in the garage of the office. My fingers twiddled the keys as I snatched them off the wall and strapped in.

It revved heavy, roaring like a beast finally unlocked, as the shutters rose up. I grabbed a pair of Aaron's sunglasses stashed in the side compartment and put them on, driving out towards the sun.

Aaron wasn't the only one with contacts. I knew of a woman who was currently dating one of Mikhail's most trusted guards. She was fascinated by life as a mafia princess so we went shopping together a few years ago and kept in close contact ever since.

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