Chapter |32| When You Know, You Know

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Another day spent in this tired dusty hospital room

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Another day spent in this tired dusty hospital room. I laid my head to rest on the pillow, I watch dawn turn to dusk turn to dark, and then wake up to the blinding sun arising in the morning.

It's pretty fucking magical. I'd never thought I'd be able to see that again. Time tick by, nature do the job many take for granted. I'd never had time for all that shit, I was always working or sleeping.

Now, I realised just how much I'd missed out on.

Anastasia was talking finally. Small words bubbled from her mouth and though it still needed some work, it was the beautiful. The first time she saw me awake, she screamed my name aloud, and practically jumped onto me.

I remember the blistering pain down my abdomen to where my scar remains, but the moment she was in my arms it was worth it. I listened to her vivacious stories, the ones she made up, the ones she watched on tv, and then we played until visiting hours were over.

One of the best days of my new life.

I considered it that, a second chance. I was close to death, so fucking close I can remember the maniacal laugh for the devil as neared the bridge but suddenly I just paused.

Suspended in still darkness. Like I was waiting for something.

Next thing I know I can feel myself stirring awake, I can move my hands, move my eyelids and hear her voice; angelic yet sorrowful. It was enough to pull me back to her.

It's been weeks since then. My coma. It still feels strange to remember that I was asleep for months, whilst a part of me remained frozen in time, my body continued to change with the seasons.

I was sporting a hefty beard, unruly hair and my abs had practically diminished. Kiara said she loved it all, that it reminded her I was a fighter and would always come back to her no matter what.

I might keep the beard, we'll see about the hair, but I need my abs back. I worked too hard to lose them. A few months at the gym and I should be good.

"Hi baby," She's gotten used to calling me that. I don't mind, it's sexy, but I feel useless in this bed. She's gorgeous, fucking stunning and I can't show her it.

"Hey Princess," Her lips brushed mine, their tantalising tease igniting a slow burn of passion inside my chest. "You look beautiful."

Rolling her eyes, she bends over, grabbing a large tub from her bag. "You always say that."

"It's always true."

"Shut up." She slams the plastic thing into my arms. I rip open the lid, letting the aroma of fresh cookies fill the room. "Stasia made them today with Caitlin. The kitchen's mess but they had so much fun, it was hard to tell them to stop throwing the flour everywhere."

"I wish I could have been there." I murmured, sick of the restraints of my illness that shackled me to the bed.

"You will be, soon. How's physio doing?" I grunted. "That bad? Come on, he's a nice guy."

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now