Chapter |14| Losing Her

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"Kiara, fucking help me!" My hand slipped, causing lipstick to smear across my cheek

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"Kiara, fucking help me!" My hand slipped, causing lipstick to smear across my cheek.

"Shit." I murmured, grabbing a wipe a furiously rubbing at my skin.

"Kiara!" Tessa screeched again, her voice raised about ten octaves high. I winced, chucking the wipe in the bin and then dashed into the other room.

A mass of blonde curls, each expertly curled and pinned to her head, blocked my view of the mirror, but I knew what that it had to be bad for all that screaming.

"What? What is it?" Slowly she turned around, and cringed, excepting to see a chipped tooth or angry rash or one of her eyebrows to have been scorched off.

Instead...there was a single red pimple on her jaw. Her fucking jaw!

I cocked my hips and settled my hands there. "Seriously Tess? That's nothing."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She sniped. "It's my wedding day and I'm gonna look like a dot to dot puzzle. Fuck, everything is going wrong. My wedding is cursed."

Sighing, I grabbed some concealer and gently started patting it onto her so called "disaster". "Tess, yes the flowers got screwed up but my dad and Kieron are fixing that right now. The car might not be the one you envisioned but you know Kalen will find a better one, and this spot is nothing because you're getting married for love and Kale loves you no matter what...he even loves the spot."

A small chuckle escaped her lips and when she looked in the mirror to see her covered spot, a smile grew on her face. "You're right. Kalen would have said that exact same thing. I just want everything to be perfect."

I hugged my soon to be sister, my best friend and my guiding light. She was one I came for, for everything, she was my person. You know, the one person you know will always be there for you, no matter what, and I was hers.

"It will be, I promise." A rough knock sounded on the door, which was weird since we the only people still at the house.

My mum had taken Stasia to the church, alongside Alessi, and my brothers and dad were sorting out the flowers and the cars. We were due to leave in twenty minutes, so who the fuck was...

"Kiara, it's me." My heart stilled in my chest, and unquenched pain burst inside of me again.

Tessa gave me a pointed look. "Sure my wedding ain't cursed?" I walked over to the door and slowly opened it.

Yep, it was him. Tuxedo on and everything. Fuck, he knew that was my weakness. He smiled at my lingering stare, obvious arousal hazing around us. I almost felt naked under his primal gaze. Strange since I was wearing a baby pink taffeta bridesmaid gown.

"What are you doing here?" I hoped he wouldn't show up at the wedding. My heart couldn't take it anymore. No more of his lies, his false promises, his inability to love.

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now