Chapter |26| Bunny

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"That is not good enough

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"That is not good enough. I want double the money now, or I'm taking back everything, including shipments you've already sent out!"

The room echoed with the thunderous raw of Mikhail, his primal nature was scratching at the surface, threatening to expose his true self in-front of dozens of co-operate executives and leaders.

"Mr Ivanov let me assure you that the money will be given to you, but we just need some more time."

"Time? Time?" My financial advisor flinched. "I need the money to find my missing children, I don't have time. I need results."

I didn't miss the way his eyes flickered over to me at mention of his children. As always, I kept a cold calculated look on my face, fighting the urge to snarl out and place the barrel of my gun at his forehead.

Calmly, I leaned forward on the table. "Mr Ivanov, maybe it would be best if we didn't conduct business anymore?"

He scoffed. "Oh really, and why is that?" The thickness of his accent blurred with his raging anger caused his words to be spat out.

"Well, clearly you need to focus on your personal business and I've already found a new provider."


"Romano industries. They're sales are increasing alarmingly, they're numbers are higher than ever and..."

"You're fucking that bastard Ryder's little Princess' cunt."

My teeth gnawed at my bottom lip with such force I felt the skin spilt open. The raw tang of blood seeped into my mouth but I welcomed the acidic metallic taste as I pushed back the murderous intent of my thought.

He called her Princess. No-one called her Princess but me.

I smiled sordidly, an air of cold professionalism surrounding me. "Our business is done. If you'll sign the papers, everything will be conducted accordingly and then we will be finished."

"Awfully good timing." He spoke with such grace now that it was clear to see the way he made billions.

"Or just a simple coincidence."

I watched, eyes like a hawk, as he sighed across the dotted line. My chest finally felt lighter, the lingering heavy burden of the Ivanov's finally done and dusted.

We were free.

As always my team shook hands with Mikhail's, but my hand clasped inside his rough calloused palm, I felt the chill of his voice slice across my skin.

"I hope that you never have to feel the way I do. Children, heirs, mean everything to men like us. They're the future."

"I believe my little girl will have the choice if she wishes to share the same burden as us. However, we have a while for that."

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now