Chapter |29| Torn

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The droning sound of sirens still blurred on in the background

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The droning sound of sirens still blurred on in the background. A thick heavy woollen blanket was draped over my shoulders, the grating metal step creaking beneath my weight.

Darkness blanketed across the horizon, the water shimmering underneath the vibrant lull of the moon. I never wished that I could anything else in this moment.

Perhaps a wandering star? Drifting aimlessly and glittering in the sky. A tree? I'd probably be cut down anyways. Dead? That sounded like my best option, closing my eyes and never waking up.

But this already felt like a nightmare. God, how was this the end already?

"I should really take a look at that." I glanced up, my eyes had been unwavering for the past ten minutes. A young trim man stood before me, eyes warily assessing me as though I was bound to be crazy. "You're cut." He stated, gesturing to the near pathetic bloody slice across my skin.

Compared to my heart, it was nothing.

"I'm fine." I mumbled. The sound of my own voice was strange, almost grating.

"Well, infection is a killer." Pulling out a bottle of anti sceptic, he took my hand gently and began dressing the wound. I felt the sharp prick of the needle. "Sorry."

"I've had worse." Lifeless. That's all I was.

"Do you know what happened?" He nodded to the mass of police cars, to the bomb experts fishing the remains out of the water, to...

"It was a blur. Everything was a...will he be okay?" They hadn't taken him yet. He was too critical to move.

A field surgeon was employed to the scene, it took mere minutes, but during those minutes I was wrenched away from his body, screaming and crying, forced to wait here in this ambulance. Forced to let them heal him without me.

"I'm not sure." Sensing my discomfort, he gently added, "There was a lot of blood."

Like I didn't know. Like my body wasn't covered in it.

"All done." He made no move to leave. Just stood there and stared. "Is there anywhere I can take you?" Home, but he was my home.

"I'm right, where I need to be?" After a moment of contemplation, I added, "Thank you."

Smiling, he left and I sat there still. Staring into the dark again.

"Coming through!" I heard a woman bellow.

Four people held a stretcher, moving slowly but fast. A helicopter over head whirred, landing securely on the fixed dock.

"What are you doing?" I called out, walking towards them. Aaron's limp bloody hand dropped out from beneath the blanket, covered in faint scars and stained with blood. "Wait!"

My steps turned into a run, yet they seemed to move faster, waking away with him. My Aaron. Thinking that he could be saved without me with him, without my hope and love to guide him.

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now