Bonus Chapter II| Tristan & Mia

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T R I S T A N ' S P. O. V

"Stop being such a baby." Mia complains, practically shoving me into the car. My balls felt like they were on fire, as the anaesthetic began to slowly wear off.

"It fucking hurts, okay!" I snapped back. Mia narrowed her eyes like she always did whenever I managed to severely piss her off.

It wasn't a good idea to make you Latino girlfriend angry, especially not when she was the one in charge of looking after you whilst recovering from a reverse vasectomy.

"Imagine what I'm going to feel like when I have to actually push the baby out of my vagina."

"It still hurts. Just let me complain baby please," I pull those irresistible puppy dog eyes I apparently have and she can't resist.

"Uhh, fine. At least until we get home."

"Hey," I grab her hand before she can pull out of the hospital parking lot. She sighs, before flashing me that beautiful smile I fell in love with.

"I know I seem anxious, I'm just kind of scared for the next step."

I smirk. "I thought the baby making was the fun bit." Her infectious laughter fills the car.

"I mean everything the else. We're going to parents and...that's terrifying. Especially when I know how it feel to have a parents that fucks up."

"We're not going to be like your father, or my non existent parents. We'll make mistakes for sure, but we're going to make up for them and we're going to raise the best goddamn child."

She clutches my hand a little tighter, the two of us both excited and extremely scared for the next part of our lives. "I believe you."


"Nurse Mia, can I have another blanket?" It'd had been two weeks since the operation but my wife was for some reason being incredibly nurturing and caring. So naturally I had to milk it for everything it was worth.

"Coming baby." She holds a tray of biscuits and milk in her hands, with an extra blanket folded over her arm.

I watch with awe as she sets down the tray and then drape the blanket over my lap, tucking it in at the sides. My hand reaches out to snag a biscuit but she pushes it away and grabs one herself, feeding it to me like I'm a maharajah and she's my lady in waiting.

"You know I can feed myself, right?"

"Yes, but I want to do this. I need to be more caring." I scoffed. Mia was caring in her own way. She didn't coddle you with false truths or drown trying to fulfil your every last need.

She was blunt instead, and fought for me like mad. Like me, she'd been hurt before but family and friends. We trusted each other to not need to know our every move, and when we needed space we took it.

That didn't mean we didn't love each other as fiercely. She consumes me in every way.

We're constantly challenging each other, the two us both clawing to be on top and we'll take the other down if we need. That's why the sex is phenomenal. I guess you could that's our love language. Physical connection. 

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now