Chapter |35| Giving In

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"Don't burn my fucking eggs!" She screamed from the darkness of my room

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"Don't burn my fucking eggs!" She screamed from the darkness of my room.

Rolling my eyes, I flipped over the perfectly crisp egg, careful of the splatters of hot oil splashing up at me. "I wont! And language!" I chided, glancing over at Stasia.

Fortunately she was happily watching Peppa Pig and eating her grapes. "Sorry." She murmured padding into the room. Her starkly deep brown skin was illuminating against the green of her hair.

"What? Have I got something on my clothes."

Smiling, I shook my head. "No, you're just gorgeous."

"Aw, thanks babe." Pecking my cheek, she grabbed the plate that I had rest her egg on and carried it over to the table. I disbursed up making my own, before shoving everything into the dishwasher.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"A run through of every security camera that Mikhail owns, cross marching anything I find with his pictures, organising the artillery base and ordering anything that needs to be restocked because duh...the guys are all useless at that shit and checking out a wedding venue."

"Fuck, I think the only thing I'm doing is giving Stasia a bath, and visiting my parents."

She set her warm hand on mine, smiling softly, which was such a contrast to her usual scowl. "You can always come with me, you know he's useless at this crap and besides he doesn't even care where we get married."

I snorted. "Trust me, Tristan does."

Mia rolls her eyes, finishing off her plate, before starting to clean up. I sighed, leaning against the chair and staring at the rooster shaped clock on the wall. 10. And already I was bored.

All I had was the hope that Aaron was figuring out his plan. He told me there was something in the works and it was fucking amazing but it would take a while to carry out. Me on the other hand had fought of fucking zilch. My head was swarmed with nursery rhymes and the alphabet instead.

I was still acting as Stasia teacher, since Mikhail's presence of being alive was preventing her from going. My phone started buzzing and I answered it automatically, passing it to Stasia, so she could talk to her father.

Aaron and I tried the domestic living, sleeping in separate quarters, making sure we didn't eat dinners together, and he was always gone for work by the time I got up, and I went to bed before he even got home. It worked...until I decided I needed a midnight snack.

I woke up starving, my stomach grinding and churn to nothing, so I snuck down to the kitchen. The lights are all off, bar one kitchen light overhead, and I opened the fridge to grab the milk.

We were out. Great.

I let it shut, sighed, and glanced up momentarily. I could see him, the etch of his shadow standing behind me like some forsaken guardian angel.

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now