Chapter |15| What She Needs

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The song, Let Her Go by Passenger, is best playing at the towards the end of the chapter, but don't worry because I put in some of lyrics so you know when it's sung when!!

The song, Let Her Go by Passenger, is best playing at the towards the end of the chapter, but don't worry because I put in some of lyrics so you know when it's sung when!!

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A white dress, silhouetting her perfect figure flawlessly. A bouquet of flowers, blue roses...her ever favourite. The gentle melody of the music, swaying gently in the air. A small perfect tiara, flawlessly sitting amiss her mass of dark curls. A veil draped over her face, and yet I could still see her beaming smile.

Marrying Kiara had always been a dream, and yet, sitting here...watching her walk down the aisle with our daughter. Watching her smile and laugh as her best friend and brother married. I realised it didn't have to be a dream.

I had spent so long believing it that I manifested the idea that happiness could never truly exist for a monster like me. That people like me, only ever ended up like my father.

She made me feel different, she was the light that guided me to see the truth. Love can be real.

"You're finally seeing it, aren't you?" Tristan smugly whispered besides me.

"Fuck off." I murmured. Then I glanced up to see a cross hanging over head.

Shit, sorry. Fuck, not shit. Christ, I didn't mean to...oh whatever, you know what I mean big guy.

He smiled annoyingly, and leaned in. "When are you going to stop being such an idiot and just admit the truth. You love her."

"If I was going to love anyone it would be her..." I faced forwards, watching her eyes light up as Tessa and Kalen share their first kiss as man and wife. A small smile appeared on my face. I wouldn't mind seventy years of waking up to that smile.

"She needs to know, you need to admit it yourself."

"Tomorrow...I'm..." Scared of rejection, afraid of hurting her again, worried I'll ruin this day for her. "not ready yet. Besides, she won't talk to me."

"She'll talk to me." He was wearing that cocky expression on his face when he was plotting. "I can set it up, make her think it's me she's talking to instead."

"And you think she'll like that?" I was tempted to follow through with it. Just so I could watch my Princess kick his ass.

"Fine whatever it's a shitty idea but you have to tell her."

"I will, soon."

"Shh!" An old bat hushed angrily in-front of us. Tristan and I looked at each other with incredulous looks, before turning back to the lady.

"Shh!" We mocked, chuckling quietly when she flushed red and murmured something about hooligans these days.

"Look there's your girls." Kiara was now holding Anastasia, bouncing her happily as they both clapped for the newly wed couple. "She's so fucking adorable. How she is half of you, I'll never know." I snorted.

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now