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It has been almost 2 entire months and I still haven't heard from Reanna since that night. Darren has completely disappeared with all her stuff and I can't seem to track her down anywhere. I still watch her Snapchat just trying to see her smile & hear her voice  & Xiarra tells me that Chris Brown has been posting her more often on his socials. In off guard pictures and in little snippets on his Instagram story .

They've been stirring up couples rumors and the blogs have been all for it. Just eating the shit clean up.  They get caught out in public together by the paparazzi and everything. Always kicking it. He carries her bags when she shops... or they out eating. He's making her smile. And it's literally fucking me up in the head because she is moving on... she is really throwing in the towel on us. She's living and I'm just fucked up ... bitches don't even make me look twice cause they not her. She doesn't even read the messages I send her anymore she's turned my read receipts off. She ignores my calls & everything but won't block me. I swear that if I catch that nigga out it's up for him word to moms. I literally just hope she doesn't fall in love before I can prove that Yummy doesn't have my kid. I picked out Reanna's ring already she's gonna love it. Just 4 more months ... 4 more months and Reanna will be Mrs. Bashar Jackson.


2 months.

2 months without his voice ... his laugh .. his touch.. his energy.
I look fine on the outside but on the inside I'm dying.

Bashar is my heart in human form and I don't think that's ever gonna change but I refuse to compete with a baby. I never thought I would have to live without him. Since Yellow showed me the results I haven't been back to New York. Too much pain. I sent my assistant to run the club out there and she says him and the boys show up every night without fail and spend the most money. She tells me she purposely sends girls to Bashar's section and he will hand them a stack and wave them out his face.

He even went as far as to corner her in my office one night asking her questions about me. To which she barely had the answers but she answered as best she could. And that he left a suitcase on my desk.

And when she opened it there was stacks of cash in there .. his Woo chain... some of his favorite pictures of us printed out and a single blue rose on the top. With a note saying "Even though we aren't together doesn't mean I still don't wanna make sure you're taken care of. You work too hard yourself something pretty. I love you Woo."

I really wish things were different. That DaQuan would've never found me... and I would've never lost our baby. We could've been happy... we would've been ... should've been happy. It's harder to deal with on most days but Chris & work keep me distracted.

The sun peeks through the curtains and I take a deep breath and I turn over coming face to face with a smiling still half asleep Chris.

"Good morning beautiful." I smile slightly before answering "Hi."

Before y'all start judging me .. NO I'm not having sex with Chris Brown! We just sleep in the same bed. And he's super sweet all the time always making sure I laugh.. that I blush .. he makes sure I don't over work myself and that I make time to have fun.

We've just become really close these past few months. He keeps me level headed when I feel like going crazy.

He keeps me from seeing the stuff on social media if he sees it first and can keep me from it he does... because he knows being away from Shar is hard for me but he's trying to make it bearable.

"We should get breakfast... yeah?" Chris calls from the bathroom after we've both gotten ready for the day .. and by that I mean the morning routine and right into some sweats and a wife beater. He said today was gonna be a chill day for us. He walks out wrapped in his towel water dripping down his tatted chest heading towards the dresser picking out boxers, his sweats and wife beater. and I nod my head "Yeah ...what you wanna eat?" He chuckles to himself before answering fully facing me leaning on the dresser crossing his arms over his chest ... with a subtle hint of playfulness in his eyes.

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