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***Cause y'all went crazy! Here's the update like promised. I appreciate y'all so much.🥺💙***

I've just finished making dinner and the whole table is set the way I want them to to be. And the plates are still steaming hot ... on the menu for tonight I made some pan seared steak, oven baked lobster tails, corn on the cob , some pan seared shrimp, loaded baked potatoes, and pan seared asparagus with a freshly squeezed homemade lemonade. Because I was feeling like surf and turf today and the people I'm feeding are big ass , hungry ass men. It's been a minute since I've been able to cook being cooped up in different rooms of the other house. I really wanted Darren to enjoy this that why I made it because I'm so grateful that he's been helping me get home no matter what... but I wasn't gonna tell DaQuan that. I'll just let him think whatever he wants. I yell up the stairs "Darren! Dinner is ready." And when I walk away I hear two sets of feet tumbling down the stairs DaQuan almost falls running over Darren to get to the table. They straightened their clothes before sitting down and I look at them both as they sit there in shock and say "What the bitches y'all fuck don't cook or something?" Darren looks at me picking up his fork and says "Shit! Not like this." When he goes to stab a shrimp DaQuan speaks... "Wait Darren!" I look between the both of them as DaQuan eyes their plates and he says "I want yours ... and the drink switch me just in case she poisoned it." Darren switched their plates and their drinks clearing his throat playing nervous before picking back up his fork "Well damn I hope not!" I smile innocently and say "i wouldn't do that but you won't know unless you eat it Darren... go ahead you have the first bite."

He takes a deep breath stabbing a shrimp and some asparagus with his fork putting in his mouth and as he chews he stops and slightly moans before digging into his potato and speaking "Damn Reanna what you do to this food girl .. put yo draws in it or something!"  

DaQuan smiles picking up his own fork beaming at me with pride "Yeah man. You thought I survived all those years and she couldn't cook.. my baby girl might be little but when it comes to this cooking shit.., she the big-" I cut him off by looking him straight in the eyes and saying "Woo." He eats some of his food before saying a confused smile on his face "You heard me when it comes to this cooking shit I'm the Big Woo." His smile drops and mine gets bigger because the irritation on his face is what I'm living for he looks down at his food taking a sip from his drink "Shut the fuck up and eat your food." I chuckle a little bit to myself nudging Darren under the table "Gladly."

30 minutes later everyone is finally done with dinner ... Darren and I are just talking amongst ourselves because DaQuan is so involved with his phone. I know the sleep stuff is staring to kick in because he yawns really loud and pats his stomach after drinking the rest of his drink. "Well it seems like I have the case of the nigga-itis so I'm gonna go to bed now ... Darren have the kitchen staff wash the dishes on the table for Reanna because knowing her she already clean all the big stuff and Reanna I expect you in Master bedroom sleeping next to me when I wake up in the morning." I scoff as he looks me in my eyes and I say "Yeah not gonna happen .. sleep by your fucking self." He shakes his head and says "You're look that food was fucking phenomenal and that I'm too tired to argue or fight with you again. Goodnight."

I roll my eyes as he leaves but as soon as he's gone I do my happy dance because I'm almost outta here. Darren looks at me and says "You should get some sleep too .. we'll be leaving soon Lil mama." I just nod my head skipping up the stairs to my room literally preparing for the night ... I started to undress as the water for my shower got hot I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes instantly fell to the base of my neck where Shar's Woo chain was absent from my neck ... it feels like forever ago since I've worn it when it's only been 5 almost 6 weeks that I've been gone. But all of that changes tonight.

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