Fake Out

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From the look in Pop's eyes he knew what we had to do. He knows for a fact if he starts shooting that 9 guns not including mine were gonna go off ... and they were gonna be shooting to kill. He drops his gun and he squares up and I say to the men behind me "We need him alive so just rough him up a little bit but leave him recognizable. We need Reanna to see him." When they rushed at him ... he put up a damn good fight just like I expected him to especially for his size ... the connects he was making weren't no hoe and I'm glad I'm for the side he's on.... eventually they stopped trying fight after seeing they were getting nowhere cause that boy was putting them bitches on they ass. When they finally got him restrained we walked him to the basement I made sure all the cameras we cut and all the wires around the house that could hear audio were cut and when DaQuan called for the others they didn't hesitate to leave me with him alone. When I know they all are gone I sat down in a chair across from where they have him handcuffed to a table that is screwed into the floor. "I thought you was gone shoot man. I thought you were finna jeopardize everything we planned for a second." He laughs a little bit shaking his head before looking me in the eye "Nah man ... I got to see my girl and I told her I was gonna be safe... I made a promise." I just nod in complete understanding smiling to myself a little bit cause this man was the COMPLETE polar opposite of DaQuan. But lowkey the same ... they'll go to whatever lengths for the girl they love "A man of his word .. I fuck with that." He doesn't say anything for a while and when he speaks again I know the time for short talk is over "So how we gone do this man ... how are we gonna fake my death?"

The room gets silent for a little bit and so I decide I'm gonna get straight to business and cut the small talk because I want my girl back before anything could happen to her. "So how you gone do this man... how are we gonna kill me?" Darren smiles at me and you can see the gears turning in his head before he even says "I thought you'd never ask. I got an opp that is the same color same body structure as you and everything we gag him so he can't speak and put a bag over his head ... cause DaQuan is gonna wanna see you die man. He got some sick twisted ass plan into showing Reanna so then she has no choice but be with him cause she'll think there is nothing left for her but her businesses cause he's taken everything from her... crush her will to live or whatever the fuck he said. So he's gonna make her watch us set "you" on fire ... ultimately "killing you". Don't worry it's gonna be over a FaceTime call that they will both see this because he's moving her between houses as we speak ... we have orders to burn the whole place down with "you" in it. I'm gonna tell him I want my team to stay behind and help me finish the job. And after he's gonna let Reanna have a bit of her freedom back so Police won't come looking for her & he's gonna trust her to me and that when I bring her to you bro and she goes to the police let them know everything... he's either gonna get caught or go into hiding. And don't worry about me I've got passports and a new identity waiting on me outta the country and plenty of money to live good for the rest of my life." I just nod my head not really hearing but one flaw and when he stops talking he just looks at me "What man? This plan is definitely gone work bro." I shake my head rolling my eyes before sucking my teeth ... "Who gone let Reanna know all this? She's a damn good actress ... I don't need her thinking I'm dead for real ... cause if she does this whole plan falls apart." He looks at me and it's like a light bulb goes off in his head and he says "You're right ... I'll be back later. I'm gonna fill her in right now." He gets himself together and walks up the stairs like nothing happened... I'm ready for all of this to be over.

They've locked me in a room with a fireplace for what seems like hours ... I watch the flames dance around with a notepad in my lap.... apparently we are moving to a different location. And DaQuan has a wire on me so he can find the "rat" who's been helping Bashar find me. I start to reach my hand towards the flame just wanting to feel something ... anything... I damn near have a fucking heart attack when the door just bursts open. Speaking of my friend he just walked through my room door bringing food "Hey Reanna I brought you something to eat and I-" I raised my hand to stop him from talking pointing to the fact that I'm wired and he saves himself quickly by saying "And I was wondering if you wanted extra bacon on your salad ... if so I brought you some and I had the chef make you some steak tacos too. I hope you like it." I just nod saying thank you while pushing the paper pad towards him with the pen. He takes about 5 minutes to write down everything he needs to tell me also while keeping up a normal conversation so nobody is suspicious of us and does the same when I start to read it I'm close to the mic so I try to make the reason for the silence sound like it's because I'm eating and no longer wanna talk to him. I've read everything and I understand what I have to do to get Bashar out safe then eventually myself .. and I'm ready to do whatever it takes.

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