Cold Nights

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*** It's been 2 days since Reanna's kidnapping went down. The scene opens up with Reanna handcuffed to a chair after starving herself for the two days being force fed by DaQuan.***

He calms himself down and honestly that's the most restraint he's had with me since my first night in this fucking mansion. He grabs my face so hard I feel like he's gonna bust my stitches open and he holds my face so I can't move. And he looks me straight in the eyes. There's anger raging behind his but his face is as cool and smooth as ice. "You have to eat something baby ... or you're gonna starve yourself. I don't wanna see you waste away baby ... you're too beautiful for that." I shake my head slowly side to side saying no but never speaking. His nose twitches quick to the left and he grabs a glass cup of apple juice throwing it across the room hard the sound of shattering glass is deafening as it hits the wall "Reanna so help me God if you don't open your damn mouth and eat every piece of fucking food I put in it ... I promise after I'm done with you ... you'll wish you scarfed down every bit of it while it was still in a pan saying to hell with third degree burns." He rolls out his shoulders as he pulls off his dress shirt laying it neatly on the table preparing for whatever comes next if I don't open my mouth for this food.

All of a sudden I hear his voice ... Poppa's  voice clear as day in my head "Baby you have to eat ... you promised me you'd stay safe. No matter what... remember? " My vision blurs because it's almost like I can feel him with me trying to protect me ... when DaQuan bumps my bottom lip with the fork I open my mouth completely zoned out eating the food. And I did that until everything was gone off the plate and even finished the juice he put to my lips .. sucking it up through the straw. He puts the dishes down in the sink slowly undoing the restraints that held me to the chair. "Now let's go take a nap after you get a bath how does that sound to you love?" I wince as he pulls me to my feet leading me towards the room he makes me sleep in. The windows in the room... there are none ... the window in the bathroom ... has a metal gate on the outside. So I don't get any ideas according to DaQuan. That's how I keep track of the days and really the time. This is the only place I can walk around not cuffed with someone leading me around. He locks my door from the outside ... everything is voice activated or has a finger print ... I can only use my voice and finger for my room and my bathroom. He pushes me toward the bed before he takes the handcuffs off of me. I rub my wrists because they are way beyond tender after he forced me to sleep in the bed next to him last night. He runs me a bubble bath and he stands in front of me and says to me "Strip Reanna." I don't move I just looked up at him through my lashes not saying anything at all. He snatches me up by my throat my little 5'5 frame swinging because he's lifted me above him choking me "You're trying my patience Reanna... I said strip ... right now and get of my sight. And don't take all day .. you know what happens when I get impatient." I struggle getting up gasping for air almost crawling to bathroom locking the door behind me when he drops my body letting me hit the floor completely. I turn the water on the hottest it can go ... slowly my brown skin starts turning red as I shower... I've cried so much these past two days that I didn't notice that I had started until I pulled in a shuttering breath. I am scared out of my mind and the one man I felt safe with is nowhere near me. Bashar Jackson ... the man that taught me love is real ... the man that showed me I can be loved unconditionally.. the one my heart, body & soul craves. I let the emotion wash over me as I balled up on the shower floor letting the water run over my head as I thought about how he must be feeling right now.

I haven't even been to our apartment since we've touched back down. I have my people doing everything in their power to find my baby ... my everything... my Re Re. I hear a knock on my hotel room door and when I open it ... it's just Mikey .. Rah.. Xiarra & Dread. They take one look at me and Rah says "We gone find her bro aiight ... & we gone get this nigga outta the way. We got y'all." I run my hand over my face looking at them "I haven't slept since that phone call... every time I close my eyes I just hear her crying out for me & me not being able to save her. I promised her that I would never let him get his hands on her again ... that she didn't have to be afraid no more y'all ... & when she needed me I wasn't there Yo. (Softly to himself ) When my baby needed me most I wasn't there." Xiarra rubs my back as she hugs me rocking back and forth "Pop don't do that to yourself ... you were away on business making money to bring home to her.. she wouldn't hold that against you... she loves you no matter what and she knows if things were different you would've done everything in your power to protect her." I put my head in my hands shaking it before saying "I just want my girl back ... I just want her safe in my arms again Xiarra." She just nods in understanding and says "I know Pop ... We do too." Mikey phone dings signaling he got a message he looks up at me after he reads it. "Jas is gonna meet us at your place ... she's convinced the police to let us see the house .. they've gathered everything they possibly could." I get up feeling sick to my stomach "Aiight let's go then." It takes us 25 minutes fighting through traffic to get there. And Jas is waiting on the street in front of the building when we pull up ... she tries to speak to me when I get out the car but I walk right past her going straight to the elevator. I stare straight ahead until it reaches my floor ... I'm the first one to step out and the first one to the door. I hadn't even noticed the blood stains on the carpet until Dread asked "Who's blood is this?" At the same time as if on a timer Jas, Mikey & I all spoke at once "Reanna's." I take a deep breath in as I unlock the door and push it open ducking under the 'Caution' tape. I walk further in looking at all the damage .. pictures of us shattered everywhere our bedroom tore apart. I barely pick my feet up shuffling towards the guest bedroom Xiarra's voice stopped me in my tracks when she touched my arm ... she spoke softly .. a concerned look on her face and then her voice cracking when she finally spoke... when I looked at her she had tears in her eyes "Please don't do this to yourself Pop ... you don't have to go through every room." I look at the floor for a second before cutting my eyes at her ... my heart heavy "I gotta see it Xiarra ... I gotta see it." She wipes her tears and takes my hand making up her mind "Okay then we'll see it together... you're not alone in this Poppa ... we all love her just as much. Stop acting like you're alone we all want her back and we are gonna find her and bring her back to you." She reached up towards my face wiping a tear I didn't even notice I let fall "We love you Pop ... Reanna loves you... she's gonna be fine ... she's strong." I nod my head letting her words play over and over in my head as I reach for the doorknob. When I push the door open I feel every emotion in the world ... anger being the strongest and then I feel numb ... completely numb. I hear Jasmine take in a shuttering breath before she starts sobbing behind me and hearing her being emotional it's like it triggered something in me.. I even surprised myself the way I snapped  "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE DROP ANOTHER TEAR! I TRUSTED YOU WITH MY EVERYTHING... THAT GIRL HAS BECOME MY FUCKING LIFE ... THE AIR .. I ... FUCKING ... BREATHE YO! I TRUSTED YOU TO MAKE SURE SHE WAS GOOD... AND NOW SHE'S GONE AND THERE'S NOT EVEN A SCRATCH ON YOU! JAS WORD TO MY DEAD IF I FIND OUT YOU SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENED HERE AND YOU STILL LIVING TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY WHILE REANNA IS SUFFERING ... I promise you that I'll turn your whole fucking world upside down bitch! You hear me?" She buried her face in Mikey's face crying. And I honestly didn't even feel bad because ... I know it's wrong but I wish it was Reanna here instead of her.

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