A Long Night

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It didn't take me long to get him to the hospital nearby because even though he was in the middle of the woods he was still in the area. I rushed him into the ER barely able to drag his heavy body through the door "Somebody please help my boyfriend! He's been shot!" and when they saw him they pushed him to the front of the list immediately throwing him on a stretcher and yelling out different things. He was gonna need a blood transfusion and everything... I sat in the waiting room for hours with my head in my hands. Just thinking what am I gonna do with two kids on my own. Waiting for anybody to walk through those double doors. It's forever before I see the doctor that took him into surgery and from the look on his face I could tell there was gonna be bad news.

He clears his throat coming and standing in front of me "We've done everything we possibly could've. I am glad you brought him when you did because he was fading fast ... he almost didn't make it (pushes up his glasses) but we've got him stabilized. The bullet that was in his chest missed his lung surprisingly only by the width of a single hair & it messed with some nerves in his back from slightly grazing his spine. As for now from what we can see he is temporarily paralyzed... it will take anywhere from 6 months up to 2 years before he's able to completely walk on his own again. But even then he might need a cane for long distances. But as for now only time will be able to tell. You'll be able to see him in the morning." And leaving me with just that information he turns his back on me going back through those double doors heading back to wherever he came from. I swear everything I have coming for this bitch... she's gonna wish her and Pop never fucking crossed paths... let alone even met.

I couldn't quite put my finger on why Mikey wasn't speaking to Jas at all. But nobody has moved to leave me alone in the living room with her since I've been back home. She reaches up looking at me and she intertwined our fingers and I felt the cold of a ring on her left hand that wasn't there before. I flip our hands so I can look at it and I'm met with a rock that I know costed a pretty penny. "Damn Jas! Really spoiled yourself huh?" She beams at me sitting up to scoot to sit on her knees bouncing slightly literally glowing more than she was when I first came "Nope! Mikey proposed! We are getting married!" When she said that Pop and Xiarra both threw their hands in the air both leaving the room ... Pop going to our room to start my bath and Xiarra goes into my office.

I look straight at Mikey running over saying "Congratulations ugly! Ouuuu I can't wait. Soooo I'm your Maid of Honor right? I don't even know why I'm asking ... you a lonely bitch.. I'm your only friend. So that spot is automatically mine! Oh I'm so excited for y'all." Mikey let's me go when I pull away and he gets ready to say something but Jas cuts him off too quick "And we're almost 5 weeks pregnant!" I whirled back around on him looking at him and the shocked faces of Rah and Dread at the same time as she rubs her hand over her still flat tummy.

The tears well up in my eyes before I can even stop them ... Mikey walks up to me opening his arms trying to comfort me " Your nut actually works Micheal! I missed everything! I come back to find out that 2 of the closest people to me are getting married and they're having a baby together! And I missed it ... all of it!" He wraps his arms around me grabbing the back of my head as I cried into his chest just holding me there for a second before saying "Noooo you didn't miss anything lil sis ... there is no time like the present. We're just happy you're back." I shake my head sobbing harder into his chest "No! I wanted to be here for all of that .. all of it! And I know you .., you were probably a mess & I would've kept you calm and been your rock while you would figure all this stuff out. I wasn't here when y'all needed me."

Mikey pulls back drying my face with a napkin that Rah had brung him from the kitchen. "I'm just glad you're here now. We still have plenty to still talk about but that can wait til tomorrow (looks Jas up and down before rolling his eyes) Cause it's been a long day .. I'm gonna clear everybody out ... I'm sure Pop wants you all to himself right now anyway .. you go get some rest and we'll see y'all in the morning at Mommy's house ..aiight?" Just thinking about going to Mama Jackson house has me beaming.

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