Chance Encounter

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I couldn't even fall asleep knowing that Reanna was literally right down the hallway from me. Darren must've peeped how restless I was in this chair cause he laughed  & when I looked over at him he just shook his head at me"it's 4:30am you wanna go be with her bro? I'll let you in her room.. I got the spare key." I smile at the floor getting up walking towards the door .. "Yeah man come on." He gets up walking out the door behind me after grabbing her room key and we walk down the hallway to the right all the way to the end. I stop in front of her room door hearing my music playing softly on the other side. Darren laughs a little bit shaking his head with a smile on his face "No matter how hard that girl plays with you man.. even if you ever had a doubt in your mind ... don't! Because that girl genuinely loves the shit out you Pop. She can only go to sleep with your music on repeat so she can feel close to you no matter what terms y'all on. She's got a huge soft spot for you bro... cherish that."

He hands me the key and daps me up and before I walk in the room I turn and tell him "I do cherish the fact that she loves me like this.. a nigga like me ain't used to no woman like her. It scares me but keeps me on my toes at the same time. The genuine love she gives a nigga been looking for his whole life .. and I could never find it in them gangsta bitches cause they was more worried bout a check. I found what I've been looking for in a girl with a good head on her shoulders and she's sweet.. a little rough around the edges but that's because of the hand she was dealt. I can only begin to tell her how much she is appreciated and loved ... but that only means I get to spend the rest of our lives showing her."

He just nods his head slowly taking in everything I'm saying and he frowns a little "You telling me this .. but what about that girl Yummy? Bro that shit be eating Re alive even though she be cool about it. She tells me .. she cries to me.. she's cried to Rah, Mikey, & Xiarra. How are you gonna get passed that?"

I didn't know she had cried about it ... every time she brings it up to me she looks like it doesn't bother her at all in the slightest. I clear my throat before I speak again "I didn't know she was coming to y'all."

He doesn't lemme finish before he says "Of course not man! She's real good at pretending she's okay even though she's devastated. She's put those emotional walls up but they aren't even strong this time ... it would be so easy to break her.. it would just take YOU to blow on them softly and the whole act would fall at her feet. You gotta show her better Pop she done been through hell and back with love man .. you're supposed to be her peace."

I run my hand over my face taking a deep breath before speaking "Look man I know y'all want what's best for Reanna .. & I want that more than anybody because she deserves the entire world and then some. I am working to prove to her that Yummy isn't having my baby .. I haven't touched that damn girl! I don't know how long the results from a blood test are gonna take when we get back to New York but I know for sure that when I prove it to her that by the end of all this she is gonna be well on her way to being the Mrs. Bashar   B. Jackson the official Mrs.Woo. I'm gone ice her ring finger out to show her that I'm serious about her. I've never wanted to settle down with nobody and I be damn if I let some jealous miserable ass bitches ruin it for me."

Darren just stood there staring at me for a second the next thing you know this nigga pulling me in for a hug and when he lets me go he says "Your girl waiting for you on the other side of that door.. you said you'd be there before she woke up. Night man."

He turns and starts walking down the hall back towards his room. And I swipe the card going in Reanna's room. I shut the door softly behind me taking off my shoes by the door and I walk around the corner to where the room opened up. The music was playing a little loud no wonder why she didn't even call out when the door opened. She was asleep with the covers tossed to the side looking at her she looked like she was glistening just a tiny bit with sweat.

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