Chapter 1 | starting over?

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A/N: heyy, I know I have been MIA for a hot minute but I really needed a break from writing...but now i'm back! yay! sorry about that hehe. So anyways I hope you like...or love this story.

Enjoy !!
- k.


September 8th, 1983.

Summer break was officially over. The late nights out, the midnight dips in the community pool after you had to climb the fence and break in. The waking up with half the day gone, all over.

Now I stood in front of the awfully familiar worn out red locker. The paint was chipping off of it. The principal said that all lockers would been renewed by the beginning of the next school year...yet here I was staring at my locker, as well as the countless ones beside mine. They were all the same old lockers as last year.

"What a lie huh." I looked over, Nancy. "Nance, hey." I said a smile tugging on my lips, I jumped on her and gave her the biggest hug I could, god I was happy to see her.
"Oh my goodness, are you mad at me?" She said moving her grip to my shoulders from my back. I stared at her for a moment a grin sneaking up on my face.

"I'm so mad at you. You're such a bitch." I said pouting and looking at her like she had just stolen my diary and wasn't giving it of those stupid petty middle school pouts you know? " you're so stupid." She chuckled lightly pushing my head away from her. I smiled and stood up straight.

"I missed you...a lot, it was so boring without you. Worst month and a half everrr" I groaned. She looked at me with this stupid smirk, and I could tell she was going to be making a cocky remark the second she could think of a good one. "Wow, I guess I am the best person in your life huh? A month without me and you didn't know what to do with yourself?" She smiled proudly. I giggled at her, I did miss her a lot.

She had went on a trip around Europe for majority of the summer, which had left me to fend for myself. My mom an I had fun but it wasn't nearly as much fun as I would have had if Nancy was there. Mom and dad tried to have fun with me and my brother, {b/n}
But it just wasn't it. So having her back, even though it was school again, it felt refreshing.

"I gotta run, I'll see you after homeroom!" She said waving then running off down the hall towards, what I presume was her homeroom.

I locked up my locker and swung my backpack over my shoulder. I pulled my hair out of the caught area between my backpack and my back.

Walking fast paced down the hall I looked ahead. My attention was on what was in front of me and not what was coming at me, and so that resulted in me walking into someone. Embarrassing I know.

Another familiar face, not a friendly one but one I knew. Michael Afton. The definition of edgy jackass if you were to ask me. I made brief eye contact with him before muttering an apology then speeding off. I really didn't want to have to deal with a dick face like that on the first day back at school.

I turned around looking back to see if he was still there, but he was gone. Good thing huh.

Homeroom went by pretty fast, it was only a quick 30 minute class anyways. I said a rushed goodbye to the teacher before practically running out to the hallway. I was excited for my next class.

Me and Nancy had this class together. This was the first one we had together in a year or so. We hadn't had one together since the first year of Highschool.

When I walked into the class everybody was everywhere, I noticed two kids from my homeroom were there, but that was about it. I looked around and saw no Nancy.

I found a seat around the back right corner near the window. I plopped my bag down next to the chair, pulling the chair out to sit.

Class didn't start for another 5 minutes so why not put my head down while waiting for Nancy, couldn't hurt to shut my eyes for 2 seconds....quite literally 2 seconds.

My head in my arms, in which my arms were on the desk. I sat there, deciding between dozing off and looking up to see if Nancy was there or not. But I didn't want to look up, I was already to close to sleep. That was until I felt the chair beside me move and rattle the desk.

I looked up to see Nancy. "Finally," I spoke rolling my eyes "you walk so slow I swear." I said rubbing my eyes. She shook her head playfully and let out a breathy laugh "I do not."

A few minutes went by and the bell rang indicating class had started, but still the teacher was no where to be found.

I continued talking to Nancy. Nothing really interesting just stuff that happened on her trip, her stories about Spain sounded cool but not that intriguing. I was about to put my head back down until Nancy said something that caught my attention.

"Michael Afton really....changed over the summer.." she said looking at something. I followed her gaze to seeing it landing on Michael whom was talking too a few other boys. I didn't realize he was in this class too.

"Yeah I guess." I said shrugging. "I didn't really notice" Nancy looked at me now, a smile on her face, and a twinkle in her eyes. Oh my god, she was not thinking that. "He is pretty cute, you've got to admit it." She said grasping my hand, I just shook my head in disappointment. My face contorted up into an almost disgusted look. "Oh god no. He is a complete jackass." She rolled her eyes, that stupid smile still plastered on her face "okay fine, he is a jackass but that doesn't mean he isn't cute. I mean he was like the same height as us last year...and now he is like tall tall. 2 months we haven't seen him and he grew that much." She exclaimed it so enthusiastically.

"He is okay." I said glancing over at him quickly. He did look better than he did last year, his dark brown, almost black hair was now a mix between a grown out mullet and a basic gelled back hairstyle. It was a lot better than his old middle part. His hair also looked a lot less greasy.

"Just admit it, he is pretty hot." Nancy said griping my arm and slightly shaking it. "He is easy on the eyes I guess, but he isn't all that." I said, Nancys smile widening.

"I knew you liked him." What? Nancy just completely read way too deeply into what I said. "What- no! I would never like Michael, let alone be that attracted to him. He is such an asshole and he is so fucking rude to everyone around him. He-" I was cut off but Nancy looking up behind me.

I slowly turned around to see none other than Michael leaned up against my desk. "You want to say that to my face bitch."

oh he didn't not just say that.


Hope you liked chapter 1 :)

Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now