Chapter 5 | stay away.

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[A/N]: currently writing in French class rn. The edge of my nail is bleeding I'm in pain.

This chapter contains
- swearing

me and Michael kept walking towards his house, our pace steady.

We walked, nearing the porch. His fathers back was turned towards us so he didn't see us going into the house. Michael let me in first then he let him self in, quietly pulling the door shut and locking it.

"Come on." Michael motioned towards the stairs, "you got to stay in my room until I can sneak you out." I looked at him quirking an eyebrow up, "why do you need to sneak me out? Your dad strict or something?" I chuckled, no way I was going into his room.

"Please, just come on." He sounded desperate, scared even. Why was he so adamant I don't see, talk or hear his dad, weird.

I gave in and started walking up the stairs. But as Michael and I started to go up I heard the front door starting to unlock. Michaels head whipped to look at the door. I could tell he was starting to panic, he turned around and motioned for me to go up the rest of the stairs...but I didn't.

His dad came through the door while me and Michael stood there like idiots watching him. He took off his coat and dropped his car keys on the table beside the front door. Turning around he spotted me and Michael.

"Michael, what are you doing- who's your friend?" He said moving his gaze from Michael to me. He looked familiar but I couldn't tell why. I looked back at Michaels dad not making direct eye contact but something along the lines of it.

"No one, she's a classmate. We had to work on something." Michael spoke, his dads stare not moving from me. I was starting to feel uncomfortable, uneasy. "We we're just about to leave actually." Michael spoke again, his fathers gaze not moving still.

"Would you like it if I drove you home? Hm?" I looked at Michael, his eyes practically begging me to say 'no'.

"Thank you for the offer but I don't want to be a bother." I said, my hand finding a spot on the back of my neck to akawardly rub. "No, no. I insist." Michael's father spoke again, he then smiled the most off putting smile I had ever seen, I swore I would have nightmares about it.

"Father it's fine, if she doesn't want a ride, let her walk home-" Michael argued, and honestly I was kind of thankful he did, I really didn't want to be in a car alone with his creepy ass father.

"Now Michael that is no way to treat a lady." He said his eyes finally moving from me back to Michael. "What is your name?" His eyes returning to me again, god please make him stop looking at me. "{y/n}." I said softly. Looking down at the floor below me.

"Okay, {y/n} let me drive you home. I wouldn't want you to be walking home in the dark all by yourself, and I don't think your parents would like that either." He grabbed his car keys from the table he dropped them on and opened the front door again, motioning for me to go outside to his car. I couldn't say no now.

"{y/n}." Michael softly spoke, his eyes begged me to make some sort of excuse, but I couldn't. "I have to go Michael, before it gets too dark. Thank you for having me over." I smiled and started to walk down the stairs, Michael just stood there watching this all unfold.

I walked towards his father, his arm extending outwards of the door, directing me towards his car. I walked outside, Michaels dad closing the front door before following behind me.

Me and Michaels dad walked slowly down the drive way, as we neared the car we both turned around towards the house from a loud THUMP  sound "Hey! I'm coming with you guys!" Michael yelled running towards us. Michaels dad looked to me then to Michael, "give me a second {y/n}. You can get into the car." Michaels dad gave me the car keys, but I didn't move from my spot, I wasn't getting into that car alone.

"father!" I heard Michael yell again, his dad walked away from him after saying something. Michael stood there frozen. Was he not coming?

"You didn't get in the car I see." Michaels dad said holding his hand out, signalling for me to give the car keys back. I handed them back to him and he unlocked the doors.

He got into the drivers side, and I made my way over the the back door. "Why don't you come sit in the front?" He said  from the front of the car, his eyes still on me from the review mirror. "Uh...okay.." I said before making my way to the passengers seat.

Michael was still standing there, I waved goodbye to him before getting into the car...I didn't see if he waved back.

The drive home was about 10 minutes long, so there I sat, in this car, in silence with a man I didn't even know the name of.

"So {y/n}, are you close with Michael?" He briefly looked over at me before his eyes went back at focusing on the road. "No mr.Afton we are just classmates." I said softly, I didn't want to come across as rude.

"Hm." he hummed. I looked over at him, I didn't want to sit in the very uncomfortable silence any longer than I already had to so here I was again initiating small talk for the second time today. "This is kind of weird look very familiar. Have I meet you before?" I said looking down at my now fidgeting hands, just being in this car with him made me nervous.

"Oh no, we've definitely never met before." He looked over at me again, god it made me uncomfortable. "You may have seen me on t.v. before." I looked at him as he looked away, then I noticed a few words on his top, 'Fredbear's family diner'.

"You work at that diner, I heard a lot of good things about it." I said trying to keep the uncomfortable tension light. 'And I heard a lot of bad things about it, like those missing kids." I thought to myself, it made me uneasy. "I co-own it actually." He let out a breathy laugh.

"Really? Thats so cool. I bet Michael hangs out there a lot." I chuckle. The car ride goes back to being silent for a few moments before he speaks again. "He doesn't." he stated coldly. I felt a shiver go down my spine and turned to look out the window. I needed to get home faster.

"His sister...." A long pause, "there was an accident at another location...and I don't want Michael nor his brother in the restaurant." I looked back over at him, I felt bad. What happened to Michaels sister?

"I'm sorry to hear that." I said, a pity smile on my face...I didn't know what else to say. "{y/n} right?" He said glancing over at me, "yes." I answered, his gaze shifting back to road once again.

"Would you be so kind as to do me a favour?" I let out a inaudible sigh and shook my head 'yes'. "Stay away from me and my family." My head automatically jerked up at his words, what? 

"I-" I was not sure how to respond to that. "I never want to see you at my house again. And trust me if I do...there will be....consequences." He spoke. Rage and hurt lined his words, and obviously I couldn't tell why.

"Of course sir.." I muttered, now very obviously freaked out. "William." He said now talking with that normal tone again, "you can call me William." He smiled still looking towards the road.  No way I was calling him that, ever.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, also feel free to comment and do forget to vote !!
- k.

Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now