Chapter 11 | so we meet again.

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[A/N] :

This chapter contains:
- swearing

I let him stay, just for the night.

He was on the floor snoring lightly and drooling like a child. I had put out a few blankets and gave him a pillow to sleep on.

I sat awake, the music was still on but to quiet, you almost couldn't hear the lyrics. What was I supposed to do now. I shuffled around on my bed a bit, trying to find a more comfortable position.

I sighed, it was almost 6 am now, no point in sleeping right? I had stayed awake all night for two reasons: number one being, just in case my mom walked in and decided to throw Michael out the window...and two being if his dad came looking for him...or for me.

Michael rolled over on his dog bed and groaned, "my back, fuck." I looked down at him and chuckled, "sleep good?" He rolled back over onto his back and opened his eyes staring straight up at the ceiling, "fuck no." He groaned again, rubbing his eyes.

"Still want to stay here hm?" I teased and he covered his ears with the pillow I gave him. "What time is it?" He asked, pillow still covering his ears, I looked over at my clock on my desk, "6:07 am", he let out a pained sigh, then sat up.

"You have a shower?" He looked over at me and I gave him an 'are you serious'  look. "Of course I have a shower airhead." He got up from his bed and looked around my room, "where?", I stared at him quirking a brow, "down the hall to the left..?" He looked at me, eyes wide, "you don't have a ensuite!?" He practically gasped...what a spoiled prick. "No I don't have an have an ensuite!?" I asked now, did he actually have one? I thought only people with mansions had those.

"Yeah I have one, how do you not have one. I thought everyone had one!" He was actually in shock, I couldn't help but laugh, "not everyone can afford a home with ensuites in every room." I said getting up and punching his shoulder lightly before walking past him towards my door, "you still want to take a shower?"


I was sitting in 3rd period tapping my pen against my desk, clearly annoying a few girls around me. I swore that class was never ending.  Maths.

I couldn't stop thinking about this morning.
My mom almost caught me sneaking out of the house with Michael, we were walking out the front door when she came down the stairs and asked where I was going, I told her I was going to walk to school and she shook her head slowly, not believing that I didn't want a ride. Michael was trying so hard not to laugh that I had to put my hand over his mouth to shut him up...nasty.

I looked up at the board and my teacher was staring straight at me, "{y/n} you were called down to the office." I blinked a few times then stood up, everyone's eyes followed me to the door, so fucking embarrassing.

I exited the classroom and walked down the hall towards the office. My math class was only a few doors away from the office, so short walk yay.

I walked slowly, I wasn't sure why I was getting called down to the office, maybe because of the argument with Michael? No, mr. Smith said he wouldn't bring it to the principles attention...but maybe he did. Then what was the point of the essay, wasn't that punishment enough?

I sighed as I entered the office, "hello {y/n}, how are you?" The secretary - Mrs. Mormon - greeted me, she was so sweet. "Good, you?" I asked and she smiled, "I'm doing great honey. Go ahead take a seat, Mr. Chandon will be with you in a few minutes." I shook my head 'yes' and sat down on one of the cushioned chairs near the entrance of the office.

I sat there for a few minutes, I could hear the principles voice through the door, scolding someone. I don't think that had to do with me...did it? What did I do now?

I closed my eyes, trying to block out the noice. Someone walked in, I didn't turn to look. I just assumed it was just another student or teacher or something, but then I heard their voice. It was his voice...that disturbingly low, unapologetic voice, lined with that thick accent.

"Mr. Afton" I heard the secretary say, I glanced up to see him staring straight back at me, that wicked smile on his stupid face. I moved my head back and my eyes darted straight back to the floor.

"How may I help you?" She spoke again, this time I think he looked away from me to look at her. "Oh, I just wanted to know if my son, Michael, came to school today. I haven't seen him since last night, I was starting to worry." He gave a breathy laugh, I looked up at him again, his head turned to look at me as my gaze landed on him.

I gulped, not looking away. "Give that to your parents when you get home." The principle said sternly to the student he was just scolding, I think I had Phys Ed with them last year.

"{y/n}?" I looked away from Afton and looked at the principle...I could still feel his eyes on me.

"Come into my office please." Mr. Chandon smiled, holding the door open for me. I walked in my head hanging low...I looked up slightly at Michaels dad one more time -that same look in his eyes as that night - before I disappeared into the principles office.


VERY short chapter lmao, hope you enjoyed!!

Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now