Chapter 12 | fuck off

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[A/N]: I don't know if I like this story anymore...


I didn't understand, I didn't even know my grades were that good. I was in disbelief, actually disbelief. 

For context, Mr. Chandon had called me to his office to talk about my achievements on the swim team the previous year. I was on the swim team for 2 years, since the beginning of high school to be precise.

Last year I had won every competition or tournament I participated in, always receiving a trophy or medal of some kind to be displayed in the schools trophy case. I was that good.

Mr. Chandon wanted to talk too me about joining the club again this year - I hadn't gone to the team sign up meeting for tryouts - and in all honesty, I didn't really want to.

I liked swimming, loved it sometimes, but it wasn't a deep passion of mine.

But now to get to the crazy part, Mr. Chandon told me that my grades were great, some of the greatest in my grade, and that if I stayed on the swim team, there was no doubt I wouldn't get a scholarship to any post secondary school I applied to.

I could go to Harvard, or fucking Yale.

I was just planning on applying for state college or community college....but I could actually have a chance to go to a prestigious rich kid university. Crazy.

Mr. Chandon was adamant I joined the swim team this year, I don't know if it was because he wanted me to actually have a chance at getting a scholarship to a good school, or if he just wanted more trophies in the schools lonesome trophy case.

After our talk he handed me the sign up form for the swim team, I hesitantly took the pen from his wrinkly hand and signed my name on the piece of paper. After that he dismissed me from his office with a smile, clearly satisfied that he had gotten me to sign up.

I swung open the heavy wooden door and took a step out of the office - closing the door behind me - only to feel that uneasy feeling again.


I turned my head to glance at a couch near the window that looked out of the office into the front parking lot. He sat there a smirk on his lip, as he started back at me. What a way too ruin my good mood.

"You kept your mouth shut." He said blankly as he readjusted his position.  "Yeah.." was all I could get out, what else was I supposed to say to that? "I would say that i'm thankful, but i'd be lying." He stated coldly now, his gaze unwavering...I hated that stare.

I looked over to mrs. Marmon's desk, she wasn't there. "I'm frankly a little disappointed. I really wanted to see the life drain from your eyes as you pleaded for hands around your throat as you begged for your life." He sighed and let out a laugh laced with the slightest bit of craziness behind it.

"Where is Michael, {y/n}?" His voiced changed back to that normal tone once again. I hated how he did that, so nonchalantly. "Are you hiding him from me? Hm?" He said getting up off the chair and walking over to me, 'just scream and the principal will hear you...someone will hear you.'

Afton looked down at me, I didn't dare look back up at him, that was until his hand came to jaw, forcing me to tilt my head up too him. His grip on my face was tight, it hurt but I knew he wasn't going to just let go if I asked.

"Stop getting involved in things you have no reason to get involved in." His hand dropped back to his side, my head still stuck looking up at him...I could still felt the pressure from his fingers, 'There are definitely going to be marks.' I thought.

Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now