Chapter 4 | friends?

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[A/N]: oh em gee, okay I just finished a Geo test and I definitely aced it 😜 also btw I was too lazy too write about Michael putting a t-shirt on so just imagine he grabbed one and put it on before you guys left the house.

This chapter contains
- swearing


We have been walking through the forest behind Michaels house for what seemed to be forever. He kept saying "trust me when we get there you'll stop bitching and complaining."
But you already know I wasn't planning on stopping that fast.

I huffed as we walked up a hill, I tried not to breathe so heavy, because I knew if I did, and Michael heard me, he would start to say the most stupid shit.

As we were walking I noticed Michaels t-shirt. He was wearing a dark gray BeeGees t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up just before his shoulders, I smiled a little bit after noticing. "You listen to the BeeGees?" I said speeding up till I was walking beside him, why not make small talk right? He looked over at me, making one of those 'why are you talking to me right now' looks. "No, why would I listen to them. Their music is bogus." He scoffed, keeping his stare on me, "oh, I though you liked them 'cause of your shirt. No need to be fucking rude." I broke the eye contact he was maintaining, I couldn't look at his eyes for any longer, it was draining.

He laughed a little too loud. "I'm just kidding, take a chill pill." He said, punching my shoulder a lightly...he meant it playfully but still, why was he touching me? I gave him a glare then he looked away.

"I do listen to them. Obviously." He shared, I rolled my eyes and slightly shook my head. "Really? I mean I'm glad you at-least you have decent music taste but, I really wouldn't have guessed you listened to them." He looked at me again I could see another smug smirk upon his lips.

"Is that so? What would you think I listened to then?" He said doing that thing with his head, you know the thing you do when you like slightly jerk your head in the air when asking a question.

"I don't know. AC/DC, Guns N Roses, Bon Jovi, possibly The Tragically Hip." He looked at me with a raised eyebrows. "Well your not wrong. You listen to them?" I let out one of those laughs from my nose, shaking my head up and down slightly. "Yeah sometimes." I looked up at him, he was looking forward, he was doing that weird head bop thing people do when they are thinking 'okay, not bad.", he looked so stupid.

After another 5 minutes of walking we finally came to a clearing in the trees, walking out of the forest my eyes widened in awe.

Michael had brought us, to a small little pond that I was guessing connected to the lake. There was a small dock and a old worn out Picknick table, but besides that no other signs of human activity.

"Do you own this whole property? Wait, let me rephrase, do your parents own this whole place?" I said looking at him while walking towards the table, "yeah." He said dropping his bag on the ground and walking over to the dock.

I watched him as he walked, debating if I should go over and walk with him, and ask why he was being kind of nice. But I finally landed on my decision, No.

I took a seat at the chipped green Picknick table, pulling out a note book and my pencil case. I looked up again to see Michael sitting down on the dock. What was he doing?

I looked away from him and focused on the notebook in front of me, he was going to come over here and help me soon. Eventually.

I started to jot down ideas and started to brainstorm the subtopics I wanted to write about on my separate single page of the essay. At least 15 minutes went by before I realized Michael was most likely not going to be joining me at the table. Why was he being so...edgy?

"Hey dickface!" I yelled, he didn't respond, not even a slight head turn. "Michael you gonna help or not!" I yelled again, I saw his shoulders tense up but that was it. Nothing, no response.

"Seriously?" I grumbled to myself. Pulling my legs over the seat and getting up to go over to Michael, I got up and walked over to the dock, it was old, but stable...stable enough.

"Michael, what are you doing? We should hurry up before it starts getting dark." I said standing a few feet behind him. I heard him say something but it wasn't loud enough for me to hear, "what? I can't hear you idiot." I spoke, I walked a bit closer to him, he stood up and turned around towards me.

"Why did you say all that stuff about me today?" Did he just ask me that? Oh my god he was so emotional. "because...I don't know...I are are an ass." I said, I didn't know why he was even asking, I didn't think it mattered that much to him.

"Do you hate me or something?" What? No I didn't hate him, dislike him, yeah sometimes but I didn't hate him. "What? No, no." I said shaking my head back and forth and waving my hands around the same way may head was.

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" I stopped shaking my head and hands and looked at his eyes, but he wouldn't look at mine. "Nothing, it doesn't matter." He said before he started to walk towards me.

"I'm sorry for being such an obnoxious jackass." He placed a hand in my shoulder and he smiled a lopped sided smile at me. "Sorry for being a bitch I guess." I shrugged,  "apology accepted." God he was a Douche bag. "Does this mean we're friends?" He smirked again, it made him look so awful...he need to stop doing that. "No, it just means I will talk less shit about you." That earned me another slight chuckle.

We walked back over to the table and sat, he put his head down and I continued writing. He would pitch in some ideas here and there and would tell me if there was any topic that he wouldn't like to write about, I was glad he was helping, even though it was very minimal.

We fucked around a little, skipping rocks on the pond, talking shit about random people in our classes, I even watched him attempt to climb a tree - I got so much second hand embarrassment watching him do that - and all in all I would say we did have a decent time together.

Eventually we had finished up and we decided to start heading back because it was starting to get dark. It was about 8:30 when we started to walk back to the house.

As we approached the house a car pulled up and parked along the driveway. A tall man in a purple button up shirt and a pair of black dress pants got out. He was tall, At least 6'4. I looked over to Michael who was now speeding walk towards, what I assumed was the front door.

"Michael!" I said semi jogging to catch up with him. "Michael, is that your dad?" I said a little breathy. All I earned was a simple 'yes' and a small head shake.

"Don't talk to him." Michael looked towards him then towards me. "Why?" I looked at him was a confused expression. "Just don't."  I batted my eyes at Michael one more time before looking away.

"Whatever you say." I said with a smug smirk on my face, I wasn't going to listen to him that willingly.

Little did I know that listening to Michael that day could've changed the course of my life for the better.


Sorry this chapter was also a bit shorter, I hope you like it though, leave a vote if you would like !!
- k.

Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now