Chapter 7 | skipping

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[A/N]: I really hate science class. Also have like 5 trillion assignments due tmr 😍

This chapter contains:
- swearing


We ended up at a 7/11. The sun was beaming, and we were sweating, the only thing keeping us cool were the slushy's that we had bought.

We didn't know where to go or what to do, because in all honesty, I don't think either of us wanted to talk about it...that being, his mom, and what happened to me last night.

We walked up through the neighbourhood, we didn't want to go to either of our house...well, I couldn't go to his house even if I wanted too.

After a while of walking around we decided to just sit at a playground. We found the swing-set and both ran towards it, racing each other for the higher one. Michael got it..lucky bastard.

We sat down, quietly swinging back and forth as we sipped on our now melted slushy's. "You ever skip class before?" Michael questioned, I looked at him and let out a scoff, "of course I have." I wasn't lying, I did a few times...not nearly as many times as him, but enough times to know that it looks bad on paper.

"You ever go to class?" I joked, it earned me a small chuckled. Me and Michael had known each other since middle school, we were never friends but we knew of each other, I guess I always knew he was someone I didn't want to get mixed up with, but I don't know anymore.

I didn't know anything about him really, not until yesterday. I didn't know he had a sister
- one that died in a freak "accident" for that matter - I thought he was an only child for the longest time, but no, he has two siblings...well had.

I also thought it was cool that his dad had a robotics company, that was at least until his father threatened my life of course. What I guess I'm trying to say is that, maybe I was wrong for judging him based off literally nothing. He was a douche sometimes, you know...bullying people in the hallways, harassing "pretty" girls with his friends at football games, but now that I actually got to talk with him a little, I know he is not a complete jackass.

"Hey, I'm sorry know for yesterday. For the way I talked about you, the way I talked to you. And for not listening to you...I really should've listened to you." I said looking down at my worn out red converse. They needed a serious cleaning.

he looked over at me, I could tell from my peripheral vision - I've got great peripheral vision - I turned to meet his eyes, we just stared at each other for a moment before Michael looked away and decided to say something.

"It's alright, I am a jackass sometimes." He let out a heartily laugh, it was kind of it wasn't, definitely not. "Sometimes? Really?" I giggled, he scoffed, "fine, a decent amount of the time." He shook his head, a stupid smile plastered on his face. I just realized how strong his British accent was, I never really noticed.

"Hey, this is random but...would you maybe want to come with me and my friends later to hangout.." He had a hand behind his neck now, I really didn't expect to get invited to hangout with him and his friends this quickly, I mean, I wasn't even sure we were actually friends.

"I-...I don't know Michael." I stuttered, now thinking about it. Did I really want to go? What if mr. Afton saw me, would he try to kill me just for hanging out with his son?

"It's alright if you don't, I understand." He said reaching a hand out and putting it on my shoulder. I smiled at the ground...he was nice. "We can hangout some other time then, if you would like too of course." He squeezed my shoulder just the tiniest bit before letting go, oh god this was weird, I actually wanted too hangout with him more, "of course." I shook my head up and down a smile still on my face.

"Well we still have all day. You want to go somewhere else...or do you want to go back to the school?" He said as he slipped off of the swings seat, I looked at him and could tell what he wanted to do, it was so painfully obvious.

"Skipping a whole day of school? I don't know.." I teased, he let out a breathy laugh and rolled his eyes, "come on darling, don't let me down now." I smiled, feeling the faint blush creeping up onto my face, 'darling', he knew what he was doing.

"Who you calling darling hm? 'Cause I know it's definitely not me." I looked him dead in the eye, a stupid smirk on his face, I was very clearly blushing, "whatever you want to believe darling." He hummed in response looking away from me, god did he get on my least this time it was in a good way.

After a day of fooling around, Michael and I ended up at a fast food restaurant, we were sitting in a booth towards the back of the restaurant, fries, pop, and what not scattered across the table. I sat with my knees hugged to my chest on one side of the table and he sat with an arm splayed across the top of the seat on the opposite side, we sat facing each other.

"How much do you get for allowance?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows at him. I mean he had bought me a full meal...I could only afford that slushy I got earlier with my measly $5 allowance - I mean $5 was decent but still not enough for me -. He laughed, "$20". Readjusting his position, he was now sitting with his arms propped on the table, one of his hands held the side of his head. "$20!?" I said in amazement, "the most my mom would give me would be like...I don't know...$10, and that's if I am really lucky." I smiled at him taking another sip of my soda.

He reached over to my side of the table and grabbed one of my fries, "can I have one?" He asked, I nodded my head and pushed the small container of fries towards him, "they are cold, so all yours." I winked at him, he shook his head and grabbed the rest of the fries.

"Hey...I know we were both trying not to talk about it...but I think maybe we should. We haven't all day but, you know.." Michael said as he put the pack of fries down. That was very sudden, it definitely took me by surprise.

I readjusted my sitting position now, moving to sit cross cross, "I don't want to talk about it." Michael looked at me, that desperate look in his eyes again. I can't. I told myself, no matter how much I wanted to tell him I couldn't...could I?

"Well you don't have to tell me....just show me?" I sighed, there were to many cuts to show him...And frankly it was kind of embarrassing. "Michael I really appreciate know, you being so nice, but I really think that the situation with your mom is more important right now."

He shook his head up and down slowly. I'm assuming he was just accepting that I wasn't going to tell least not yet.

"You still want to tell me about your mom?" I said trying to have to most comforting expression on my face possible. He probably didn't want to talk about it anymore.


Never mind, I was wrong.


Their relationship is starting to build 😏
Vote !!


Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now