Chapter 9 | home sweet home

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[A/N]: this chapter is going to be in Michaels POV 😩😩

This chapter contains:
- swearing

After I dropped {y/n} off and had that encounter with her mother I couldn't stop laughing to myself about it. I don't think I left a good first impression...I probably didn't leave a good one with {y/n} either.

I was walking home, it was really dark now. If I had to guess what time it was I would have to say just after 9 pm. I was about 5 minutes from home and was trying to figure out if I was going to walk through the front door and risk my father seeing me and getting mad, or if I wanted to risk breaking the drainage pipe outside of my window sneaking into my room again.

Probably the second option.

as I neared my house I realized my mothers car wasn't in the drive way, 'she must be out...weird' I thought, at least she wasn't at home having to deal with my father.

I walked around to the back of the house, taking off my backpack and preparing to throw it up onto the roof...but I was stopped by the sound of foot steps coming from the side of the house, which was only a few feet away from me.

Initially I thought I was just hearing things, but after hearing a few more steps and then them increasing in volume I knew I wasn't.

I quickly ran and hid behind one of my mothers many rose bushes, chucking my backpack up onto the roof before doing so. 'fuck, bad idea.' Was the only thought I could form. Thorns.

As I watch through the very tiny cracks of the bush, I expected to see my mom coming home or something...maybe even my brother for whatever reason, but it was my father.

I watched as he moved in the darkness, the only source of light coming from inside of the house from the back door, and the very dim moonlight.

It was a little too dark to clearly see what he was doing but it sounded like he was dragging something. Something heavy and made of metal. I thought maybe he was working on a new animatronic and was just getting rid of some parts, but then I remembered what time it was and how dark it was outside.

What was he doing?

I went to move to get a better look but I fell backwards, my legs gave in from squatting to long, pathetic I know. semi loud crack and thump sounds were made from my stupid mistake. He was going to find me, shit.

"Who's there!" He yelled. he dropped whatever he was dragging and came over towards the bushes, he peered over into one, not touching it because of the thorns. Thank God.

He looked over into the next one, the one next to me. I held my breath for what felt like an eternity. when he finally stood up straight I closed my eyes and waited for him to find me. What's a little yelling and a few jabs to the face gonna do? Nothing I was too used to it.

I just accepted that he was going to find me, you know, then the works were going to play out, I'm just glad my mother isn't home to see it.

"Stupid fucking raccoons." He said in a whisper just loud enough for me to hear. He scoffed and walked back towards whatever he was dragging. He didn't find me. he just kept doing whatever he was doing.

Eventually he was to far to notice me climbing the roof, and far enough he wouldn't hear me if I fell or if I broke the eavestrough, again.

As I got onto the roof I briefly looked over towards the direction my father walked in, he went into the forest behind our house.

And I didn't see anything, nothing. That was until I saw a flash light flicker on, then I saw my father standing there with a shovel...and the animatronic that killed my little sister.

Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now