Chapter 6 | the things he does.

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[A/N]: okay things are going to be paced, because I hate elongating the story and adding in extra details that aren't needed. This is still a slow burn but it will start to be faster?

The chapter contains
- swearing
- implied/ talk about violence


I remembered getting out of that car the fastest I could, almost forgetting my backpack. I booked it to the front door of my house, almost tripping over my own feet. He hurt me, I kept thinking. He threatened my life.

After he told me about his daughter, how she was killed by his creation, what her death was like - in the most horrific way he could possibly explain it - ...things got worse and worse.

He went down a different I knew lead to a dead end. I told him that it wasn't a short cut and that we would need to turn around...but he just kept driving....and that wicked smile stuck plastered on his face.

When we got to the dead end he turned over to look at me, a glint in his I would never forget. He reached over me into the glove compartment and pulled out a knife.

This was it, I was going to die right here, by some man I had just met, and all because I was invited over to by his son, to his house, for a stupid school assignment.

He played with the knife, saying all sorts of sickening violent things...the types of things a maniac would say. He could tell I was scared and he just kept a psychopath.

After telling me what would happen if he saw me at his house again, and after he put that knife to my throat, and stared me dead in the eye while he cut little slits on my arms and legs, he decided to drive me back home. I couldn't believe it.

He told me that if he found out I told anyone about this....he would kill me. And after that, the rest of the car ride to my house, he was completely normal...besides the fact he kept the knife in his hand.

4:07 am

I stirred in bed, my head was pounding and my body was over heated. I still couldn't get the sound of Williams voice out of my head. The words "there will be.....consequences." Still fresh in my mind as well as the stinging pain coming from each one of those little cuts he had inflicted, just thinking about it made me nauseous..... and made me want to throw up.

I got up, making my way over to the bathroom  across the hall. Walking in I looked at myself in the mirror, noticing a cut bleeding pretty badly on my arm....'that fucker.' I needed to tell my mom, wait no...she would only go to the police and make things worse. He told me if I told anyone he would kill me...I wasn't risking it.

I let out a sigh and ran some cold water, holding back tears...I shouldn't cry over this, I should be happy he didn't kill me when he could've, right?

But still, a few tears managed to get out. I splashed some cold water onto my face and then just sat there in the washroom trying not to breakdown. I was scared, really scared.

After a few minutes of trying not to cry....and putting bandages onto my numerous cuts and wounds. I finally got up and made my way back into my bedroom, I collapsed on my bed...still not ready to fall asleep.

I laid there for the rest of the night, not wanting to sleep, because what if he was waiting for me to to be unconscious...what if he was somewhere...waiting to kill me.

The next day my mom drove me to school she kept asking questions, "why do you look so tired? didn't get enough sleep?" And stuff like "how did you get home?", I couldn't will myself to answer so many questions, let alone those questions.

Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now