chapter 3 | should've kept your shoes on.

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[A/N]: okie dokie so idk know where this story is going fr fr...but anyways sorry it has been so fast paced so far.
okay enjoy this chapter now ig :)

this chapter contains

I hit my head lightly against the cafeteria table, Nancy watching me do so as she sipped from a can of overpriced cola.

"I can't believe this." I groaned. "I mean mr.Smith is just trying to help you guys."
she said as yet another pitful smile appeared on her lips.

"help us how? by making me want to commit arson. Nancy he wants me to spend the next 2 weeks writing an essay with....Michael." I said pushing my food tray farther than it already was, Nancy pushed it back towards me, "just because you have to deal with this whole Michael thing doesn't mean you should stop eating." she was really not helping right now. "ugh, i'm just not hungry right now." I said pushing it back again. "fine, whatever you say. im eating your cheese fries then." she exclaimed as she stuck her fork into the pile of almost cold fries, "go head, i'm sure as hell not gonna fight you for them. they are so nasty I don't know how you find them...appeling?" I argued, she looked at me, fries still in mouth. "yeah I tend to find the worst things appeling, exibit A: Michael Afton." she joked, I laughed along but in all honesty it wasn't that funny, and I could tell she was just trying to cheer me up.

4:43 p.m. home.

first day back at school was, intresting. I couldn't really believe that I was getting ready to go to Michael Aftons house.

I had just gotten out of the shower and now I was picking out an outfit, I wasn't going to put any effort into it, I didn't care what he thought anyways.

I threw my clothes onto my bed, a plain striped t-shirt and a pair of shorts that landed just right above my knees. I grabbed a zip up sweater out of my closet and a pair of black high cut converse that were severly worn. I was about to take my towel off and get changed before my mom came bursting though my bedroom door. "Mom!! I'm getting changed!! I'm naked!" I yelled, she quickly shut the door and ran out, "sorry {y/n}!!" she yelled through my door, "tell me when you are changed, I wanna talk to you about something." she sounded excited, I wonder what she wanted to tell me.

After getting changed and packing a few studying essentials into my backpack, I headed down stairs to find my mom sitting in the kitchen. She held a paper in her hands and she smiled widely.

"Guess what." A grin plastered on her face, "what?" I looked at her a smile starting to creep onto my face too. I walked over to her, I bent down, my head just slightly above her shoulder.

The paper read: "dear mrs. {y/l/n}, we are glad to inform you that you have been promoted to head chief editor. You have been such a big help to the company and we thank you."

The paper had more on it but reading that was enough. My mom got promoted, and oh my was I proud of her. "You know what this means right?" She said standing up out of her seat, she stepped towards me and hugged me very tightly. "It means my pay check is gonna have an extra digit on it" she grinned, she was so happy as expected and I was too, I was so happy for her.

"Now we can actually think about buying you your own car." She winked at me, this just turned my day around, that was until I remembered where I was going.

"Anyways I thought I'd let you know." She said letting her tight hug on me loosen. taking a step back, she sighed with a smile on her face. "Where are you going?"  A question I knew was bound to be asked. "The Aftons's." I tried so hard not to scrunch my nose up and make a disgusted face.

"Why? You doing a project or something with, what's his name again? Mickey? No, Michael?" She looked at me wanting an answer, "yeah, Michael." I said smiling the smallest smile I could form. She looked at me and chuckled.

"Be safe, and be back by 10 p.m., 11 p.m. the lastest. And make sure Michael walks you home or if not ask for a ride from one of his parents." She instructed me, I nodded in agreement, then went to hug her.

"Thanks mom, and I'm so happy for you." She smiled at me and placed a hand on my cheek, "your so sweet. Anyways go have fun or study or whatever you are doing. Just remember be safe."

And with that I smiled and left the house.

His house was a 25 minute walk from mine. Not to bad I suppose. The sun was still out beaming it's hot summer heat. My Walkman in one hand playing 'photograph' from my Def Leppard cassette and my other hand clutched onto my back pack strap. 

I walked at a normal speed, I was in no rush. But I soon came up to his house, it was at the end of this longish dirt road, it was separate from the rest of the other house in its area but it was still relatively close.

His house was indeed near a lake, as well as a forest. This place seemed nice but it felt felt off.

I walked up to the front door knocking a few times then ringing the doorbell twice. No answer. I stood there for a good 5 minutes before I heard stumbling on the other side of the door.

"Hold on!" I heard someone yell from inside, it was most definitely Michael.

He came to the door, finally. The heavy wooden door swung open revealing Michael in nothing but basketball shorts.

"{y/n}." He said staring at me for a second before moving to the side to let me in. "You actually came. Wow." He said as I started to untie my shoes. "What do you mean 'you actually came' obviously I was going to come, it's for school." I said slipping off one shoe.  "No need to be a bitch about it." He murmured loud enough for me to hear "fuck off." I spat back slipping my second shoe off.

"you should've kept your shoes on, we're going to the lake, remember?" He said, a smirk across his stupid smug face.

This was going to suck.


This chapter was a bit shorter, but I hope you enjoyed!!

Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now