Chapter 2 | I can't belive this.

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[A/N]: chapter 2 yay !!

This chapter will contain:
- strong language/swearing


He did not just call me that.

"What?" I said looking up at him, he scoffed at me, "you heard me, want to talk shit about me? Well don't be a fucking pussy, say it to my face." He was standing there still perched up against my desk, his hands were in the air now making all sorts of motions. What a fucking idiot.

"Oh, yeah...." I said looking down at my desk and smiling. Oh god, how much I wanted this fucker to leave me alone, but knowing him, he wasn't going to leave it alone until I did something about.

"'Yeah what? Go on speak up fucking whore. We're all waiting for you." He was practically screaming. "Well I was know...that you're a jackass. A real dickwad, but maybe I was wrong maybe you're just a little bitch know what? It doesn't matter." I said stopping myself before I said something I didn't mean, but at this point I was standing, my chair somewhere far behind me, I was fuming.

"The fuck is your problem? What the fuck did I do to your sorry ass that made you so fucking....miserable?" He hissed. My jaw tightened...I'm not miserable.

"Nothing." I said turning around and pulling my chair back towards my desk. "The fuck you mean 'nothing'? Clearly it's something if it makes you want to go off  and run that pretty little mouth of yours."

I sat back down in my seat, I really didn't want to start anything serious right now, especially if it was with him. "Michael, its fucking nothing, I'm sorry about what I said...I should've kept my mouth can you just go back to your fucking friends, cause frankly I'm really not enjoying this....conversation of ours." I looked up at him, giving him the most sarcastic smile I could form.

"Listen here you little bitch, you can't tell me what to do, you are the most stuck up-" he was cut off by a someone yelling over him. "MICHAEL GET TO YOUR SEAT RIGHT NOW!" the teacher screamed. Michael scoffed, glaring down at me one more time, a shit eating grin on his face, why was he smiling? I swear he just loved the attention.

The teacher walked over to Michaels desk where he was now sitting. He bent down and was almost whispering to Michael. I don't know what he said but whatever it was, it was annoying the shit outta Him.

Nancy tapped my shoulder, I looked over at her  and let out a sigh, she let out a pitiful laugh. "Yeah you're right, he is a jackass" she giggled. I grinned, but my expression faded back into an annoyed one.

my head laid on the desk, my gazing shifting back and forth between the board and between Nancy who couldn't stop talking, but I didn't mind, the class was boring anyways.

Class was about an hour and a half, and for that hour and half I could feel Michaels glare on me. He was such a child, but I mean I was partially to blame, still, I wasn't acting like that.

When class finally finished I was quick to grab my backpack and try and bolt to lunch, I grabbed Nancy and ran for the door (not literally but you get the idea) and I was so close, but then I was stopped by the teacher, mr. Smith, and beside him stood a dumb fucker named Michael.

"Ms. Laylan you may leave for lunch, ms. [y/l/n] you on the other hand, you must stay. I'd like to have a word with you." Nancy gave me a quick glance, I gave her a slight nod and with that she left the room.

The teacher walked over to the door closing it behind Nancy then turning back around to face us.

"You two, what happened?" He looked at me, a mixed expression between confused and disappointed. "Mr.Smith I didn't do anything wrong she was talking shit-" Michael pleaded, 'fucking idiot' I thought to myself, he was seriously trying to blame the whole argument on me? I mean, I guess I was the one who initiated it, but that doesn't mean the argument was my fault.

Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now