Chapter 10 | in through the window

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[A/N]: back to {y/n}'s POV

This chapter contains:

I was lying on my bed staring at my ceiling as my stereo was on, playing 'age of consent'  by new order. My mom hadn't really gotten mad at me for coming home late, and I mean she didn't know I skipped school either so she couldn't really get mad at me for that...not yet at least.

She did have something to say about Michael though, she really didn't seem to like him. She tried to say nice things about him, but they all seemed like backhanded compliments. 
I couldn't even disagree with her, I didn't like him at first either.

For example she said, "At least he was a nice enough boy to walk you home...but keeping you out till dark, and not even acknowledging me, your own mother!" she was just mad he ignored her earlier, I mean she had a good reason, it was a real dick move of him.

I turned to roll on my side, the only light in my room coming in through the window and from a small desk lamp.

I closed my eyes, 'maybe I should go to sleep' I was almost 12:00 am and I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before because...well, you know.

I got up to turn off my desk light and to shut my window and lock it. I stretched and pulled down my jeans...the relief. I felt like I was coming up for air after being underwater for a while..that was what it was like taking off my jeans.

I put on a pair of my dads old basketball shorts and an old Fleetwood Mac 'rumours' t-shirt I got from a second hand shop. 

I got back into bed, pulling my comforter over me and lying down. I felt okay, I could sleep tonight....I will sleep tonight.

I closed my eyes getting ready to sleep but I was startled by my phone ringing. I jumped up from my bed, I looked over at my phone, huffing in annoyance as I picked it up. "Hello?" I answered. I expected it to be Nancy because she was one of the only people with my number that would be calling at this hour.

"{y/n}?" The voice on the other end of the line spoke, Michael.

"Michael?" I said in confusion, "how'd you get my number?" I could hear him stuttering on the other end, there was a brief pause before he spoke again. "It doesn't matter, are you alone?" I scoffed 'it doesn't matter' I mocked him in my head, "yeah I'm alone. Why what's wrong?" I said sitting up straighter.

I realized that maybe he was calling because something serious happened...or was happening.

"My mom called me..." another pause. I heard him gulp then let out a long sigh. "My mom said her and my dad got into it...bad." I shook my head a little, thinking about what to say. "Are you and your brother okay?" I asked in the softest way I could. "No, no. It happened before I got home. My brother said he was sent outside to play...I have no idea what happened." I sat there not sure what to do. I didn't think he would call me of all people to talk too, but then again, I was the only one who knew about this.

"Is your mom okay?" I questioned, I didn't know to say or ask. "Yeah she's fine, she told me she is staying at a friends for a while, till my dad cools down."
"That's good..." I replied
"Are you sure you're okay? Your dad didn' know.."
"No, nothing bad."
"Nothing Bad?"
"Nothing Bad."

Quiet again. I heard another sigh, then I could hear him about to say something...then, nothing.

"Michael, you still there?" I asked, waiting....then I heard faint yelling and a thump on the other end. The dial tone rang through the phones speakers. He fucking hung up on me.

Consequences : A Michael Afton x fem!reader fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now