Chapter 5

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Just, wow.

This was the first day I'd seen Ronan since he left to live with his grandparents over the summer holidays.
Ah, Grammy Blake.

That was a rebel if ever there was one.

When her son (Ronan's dad) got tired of her schemes, he sent her to a retirement home, which was supposed to calm her down.


She broke out of that place about five times, and I was lucky enough to hear all about it from Mrs. Blake.

I really love that woman!

Eventually, Mr Blake got tired of Grammy hunting, letting her have a little house near the sea.

And that's quite a way away, so I haven't seen my favourite Blake in ages. (Cue American-cheerleader-who-got-cheated-on sob.)

Back to the point.

It seemed that Blake had changed from all the sea air.

Remind me to book a train ticket to The sea...

His skin was a sun-kissed honey colour - much in contrast to my ivory 'glow'. And his hair had gotten lighter, curling slightly over a well-proportioned forehead.

Yes, foreheads can be the wrong size. Don't ask.

And hold onto your garters ladies - that jaw. Damn.

He really had changed. Where was the bug of a boy?
I could only recognise him by the birthmark that ran along the right side of his neck, which was how I'd known who it was before.

Yes. I was ogling him. And I owned it.

I'd never really been ashamed of staring at a boy- they do it to me, so why not return the oh-so-flirty favour?

The only thing that annoyed me more than the fact I could see we were wearing the same uniform (no, my dear friends, Ronan was not wearing a skirt.) was the fact that he was covering it up with a pretty badass leather jacket and tinted sunglasses.

I smirked, trying to seem confident.
Do not squeak. Do not sneeze. Do not hiccup.
And, for the love of holy monkey nuts, do not fart.

I have never farted in front of a boy. Never.

Oh, my poor tired brain.

Walking up to him I drawled out my words. "Hello there Ronan. And how would you be?"

He chuckled, causing my smirk to deepen.

"Alright, I guess. Missed me?" He smiled cockily.

I snorted, walking past him; I didn't want to be late on my first day back.
He turned with me.

"My dear Ronan," I began with a sickly smile, "I missed you less than the bug that crawled up your butt."

With that I took his sunglasses and sauntered to school, leaving a flabbergasted Blake behind me.

Hey my little sparkly-marshmallow-cursed-princesses and princes!

I really hope you guys like the story, so please comment and tell your friends (Wattpad and reality)!!!

And, for all you Marvel, DC and comic-book loving panthers out there (my bestie wouldn't let me call you kittens), please read mentioned besties story, When Barry Met Echo !!!!!

I love you all, so please comment, like, or whatever you're supposed to do!!!

Gotta go, my friend is hungry.

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