Chapter 7

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"Where have you been all day? I've been so worried! Alex? Alex, are you listening?"

I could hear someone buzzing at my ear, but I really couldn't care less. It was break, and I should have been talking with my friends, laughing, maybe finishing homework, but I just couldn't.

All I seemed capable if doing was staring off into space, trapped in my own mind and thoughts. It wasn't too bad, not really.

I rather like the inside of my head.

Ronan was back. That much was obvious.

And he was somewhere in this school, or at least should be.

Hey, for all I know he could have been hit by a bus and broken his spine, like in Mean Girls. Ha, stupid plastics.

I could almost imagine Ronan with too much mascara, pushing a silicone-filled chest out as he twirls his bleach-blonde hair and re-adjusts a pink skirt while saying, "you can't sit with us."

Oh, that's an image I'm saving for a sad day...

"Alex, pay attention. I've been talking to you for ages!" Isabelle moaned.

"Boo, you whore," I mumbled, still living in the mean world.

She gasped, "What the hell is wrong with you? Are you pregnant!?"

I groaned. This was kind of a normal question for us to ask each other if they were being grumpy.

I smiled sweetly at her while I pushed Ronan's sunglasses onto my head.

"Yes, and it's yours - but my mum wants me to get rid of it... What you you think, babe?" I put emphasis on babe, just trying to wind her up.

She rolled her eyes, "Alex. Stop this. You know my opinions on kids."

"The more the merrier?" I asked weakly.

She ignored me.

"Are you guys both on your period? Cause you sound like it." Isla scolded, sending us puppy-dog glares.

I scoffed, "Hardly. You would know if one of us was on our period, my friend."

She raised a (what the hell?) perfect eyebrow.
That girl must pay tweezers.

"Take Imogen for instance," I said, pointing to said girl. "We know she is on her period, because she is not sitting on Kilanis lap."

Imogen, who had been making out with her boyfriend of six months, gasped, and started whining at me.

"Alex, you idiot. What made you say that?" Her speech was short-lived, as she soon became re-acquainted with Kilanis tongue.

I shrugged, "Just stating facts, my dear."

Kilani and Imogen were a good couple. She was sometimes a bit sharp, and he helped in rounding off the pointy edges. They complimented each other.

They also looked good, both being tall, and one with big blonde hair (Imogen), and the other with flat dyed black hair (Kilani).

I was kind of getting sick of their tonsil tennis.

"Kilani! What's she eaten today?" I asked, trying to control my gag reflex.

He simply stuck his middle finger up at me and pulled Imogen into his lap, oblivious of the fact she was on her period. Wasn't he listening?

I personally didn't see the point in kissing.

Why do that to a perfectly good mouth, which could be occupied with food or smart remarks?

Yep, for all you clueless people, I hadn't been kissed yet. Or had a proper boyfriend.

But I was only fourteen, and the day is young. (Cue hair flicking, shameless flirting and trout pout.)

"Come on Alex, seriously, what's up with you today?" Isla questioned, looking slightly intimidated.

Can't say I blamed her - 'though she be but little, she be fierce', as they say.

I sighed for effect. "It's nothing, really. But, well, Ronan's back."

I put Ronan's sunglasses back over my eyes to block out their shocked faces.

Even Imogen stopped tongue tying to show her discomfort.

"Ronan Blake? Seriously?" She asked, sounding slightly mad.

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p'.

"And he's changed. I mean, no longer the scrawny little ant that we knew. I'm talking, Matt Lewis, Hiccup, Ugly Betty kind of change."

Isabelle, who had been uncharacteristically quiet asked, "So, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying he's hot. Like, look but don't touch - you'll burn your fingers." I added scorching sounds for effect.

However their attention seemed to be on something behind me.

"What?" I asked, turning.

Then the bell behind us went, and break was over.

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