Chapter 11

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It was the day after I had signed the contract, and so far everything was normal.

I walked to school alone, met my friends briefly, went through lessons until break, ate some berries (wanna be cute, eat the fruit), then endured another gruelling English lesson.

Predictability. Ahh.

I sat down at the table, only to have my ears filled with my friends never-ending banter.

"What's the difference, anyway?"

Isabelle gasped at Imogen's question.

She only shrugged in reply. "What? You sent me pictures of two tops. They look the same!"

"They were not the same. One was black with red checks and and a tree-quarter length sleeves, the other was red with black checks and had regular sleeves. Very different." Isabelle all but growled.

I rolled my eyes.

"And you," Isabelle said, pointing a long finger at me, "Where were you past night? You promised to text me."

I flush red, but play it off with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Mum had to see some friends, so I was looking after Lils. That kinda tired me out, and I slept for almost ten hours."

Okay, I lied out of my teeth, but what's a girl to do? I couldn't tell her I met Ronan, signed a contract which makes me his property and he mine, then chased him through the street when he compared the situation to Fifty Shades Of Grey.

I mean, I couldn't.

She nods, excepting it as the truth, and turns back to Imogen to continue the great top debate.

"So," I say conversationally, "what's the latest gossip?"

Isla stares at me with blank eyes. "You never want to know what's going on around you Alex. What happened to you?"

"Just trying to avoid a debate." I nod my head towards the others.

"Fair enough."

"So..?" I encourage her, leaning forward.

She clears her throat, "Ahem. Well, Finley and Lucie are finally going out, Georgie died her hair purple, and Mr Donells and Ms Holed were caught making out in the maths office."

Ew, old people exchanging mouth germs.

"But," she continues, "The biggest gossip is Ronan Blake...." She trails off.

I raise an eyebrow. Fast, isn't he?

"Rumour has it-"

"-she ain't got your love anymore," I sing, unable to cage my inner Adele.

She sighs, "Real mature Alex. Way to ruin a cliche moment."

I mock bow. "I only aim to please."

"That's what I like to hear," a male voice comes from behind me.

Ah, shit.

"Ronan," Isla starts, "Who's the lucky girl, Hun?" She finishes with a southern twang.

I turn around, and see his obnoxious face, smirk and all.

"Well, I was hoping Alexandra here," he walks around to next to where I'm sitting, "could help me with that."

Acting skills, I choose you!

I widen my eyes, and look at him sideways, "what do you mean?"

He grins, "Would you like to be the lucky girl who has access to this piece of sexiness?"

I blush, but decide to use it to my advantage.
I give my shell-shocked friends a wink, before turning back to the pest who is currently too close to me, myself and I.

"Well," I murmur, and stand up so we're practically leaning against each other, "I have no choice really?"

He grins again.

I grab his collar and pull his face towards me, turning so I can whisper in his ear.

"Babe," I whisper, "I may be under contract, but I'm not that easy."

With that, I pick up my bag and saunter away from four very confused faces.


"Alex, hey," Ollie grabs my arm as I power-walk past him.

Ollie, darling, I love you so much, more than our future children, but seriously, now!?

"Hi, Ollie," I say, still slightly distracted.

"Hey, hey, slow down. What's up?" He says, now holding both arms and looking me in the eyes.

I sigh. He's so nice, being worried about me. "Nothing, just a boy being a pest."

He looks really worried now. "Alex, if you're involved with something iffy, you can tell me - I won't judge." He pauses, as if he's just thought of something really interesting, "Though I would make a good judge... Bet I'd look good in those wig things."

I roll my eyes. Yes, I do that a lot, but most people do it mentally, I'm more of a physical person.

"I'm sure you'd be a great judge Ollie, but seriously? No one can pull off a powdered wig. Not even you."

He grins, suddenly revealing an evil-looking side of him I've never seen before.

"Maybe, but I bet I could pull it off..." He trails off, still looking a bit like a naughty pixie, "If it was in a nude shoot."

I face palm.

Just, no.

He chuckles at my embarrassment, then looks behind me.

Why is there always something behind me? It's gonna make me paranoid.

"Well, hey there," Ollie says, and I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey Ollie, how've you been?" Ronan asks from behind me.

Ollie pulls a too-cute confused face, "I'm good, thanks, but why are you imprisoning Alex? Men haven't had to trap women to be their wives since the Stone Age. We have dating now."

"Yes, dating," Ronan muses, and I know I'm in trouble. "Funny thing, isn't it? A metaphorical contract between two individuals, or literal in some cases."

Ollie raises an eyebrow. "Have you been reading Fifty Shades again?"

Oh, my holy mother of cursed rainbows.

I'm gone, just a giggling shell of what I used to be. I'm laughing so much, tears are streaming down my reddened cheeks in floods.

"It wasn't that funny." Ronan mumbles, sounding really put out.

"Ronan, Ronan, Ronan," I say, "If you want to play with the big kids, you have to continue to play."


Well, hey there!
I really hope you're all enjoying the book, so please vote, comment and follow in return!!!

I've also been dared to update once a day, so keep tuned into Wattpad, because I fully intend to follow through with that dare!!

For all you amazing Marvel, DC, etc... Fans out there, please read When Barry Met Echo, because it's written by one of my best friends and I'm in it!!!

Love you all, see you tomorrow! ;-)

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