Chapter 13

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After a few days had passed, I was getting tired of Ronan.

He was controlling, pessimistic, irritating - I still hated him.
He was like Christian Grey on his period. And I wasn't liking it.

I sighed. I was sat in English, waiting for Miss to start the lesson; I just wanted a distraction.

"Alex?" A tentative voice asked.


"What's up?"

I turned to face Ollie, and saw the little creased lines of worry etched into his forehead. Aw, isn't that sweet?

"I'm fine, you?" I hadn't spoken to Ollie in a while, and was really missing our talks - he was just a really nice person to talk to. And look at. And... Ugh.

I wished I had never signed that contract.

He smiled slightly. "I'm good! I was wondering, would you -"

He was cut off by a sharp tapping of boney knuckles on the desk.

"Alex," Ms Kingsley interrupts in a nasal voice, "you need to go to the office. Now."

I roll my eyes, and pick up my bag. What the hell could be so important as to drag me away from my favourite, most beautiful and talented teacher on the planet?


My mum was waiting for me at office, biting on the nails age normally fawns over.

I will never understand that woman's obsession with her fingers.

"Alex, honey, come on, we've gotta go to the hospital." She says, dragging me out of the school and towards the little beaten-up bug.

I frown, "Why? Are you pregnant? Cause I thought it was my turn."

Her eyes widen, and she doesn't reply for a few minutes.

"No, I most certainly am not. And you better not be either, or I'm sending you to a nunnery, sister Alexandra."

I gasp in horror. Sister Alexandra? Ugh.....

"Your sister had an allergic reaction."

"Don't you make her lunch?"

She glares at me as we fasten the seat-belts.

"It wasn't like that, young pest. She ate a cookie that wasn't hers, which just so happened to be a peanut butter flavoured cookie." She grits her teeth.

"Is Lily okay? Was it a bad reaction?" I gasp, "Am I next?"

She slaps my knee. "Stop that."

"Stop what?" I ask.

"Being annoying."

I don't talk. For the whole ride.


"Yes?" I quietly reply.

"Stop that."

"Stop what?" I ask.

"Being annoying."

I throw my hands up in exasperation. "I think being a mum has made you moody - you were much nicer to me in your tummy."

She looks at me oddly as we get out. "Be quiet. We're going into a hospital, and I can't be in the children's ward and mental unit at the same time."

I sigh, and follow.

After we're directed to Lily's room, it takes about the equivalent of my school life to get there.... Damn confusing maps.

Damn them.

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