Unjust Destiny

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In my previous life, I wasn't a particularly active person. Physically speaking, I mean. I kept my physical fitness by walking everywhere I needed to be, and it definitely had nothing to do with me being unable to afford a car. Definitely. Trust me.

Ahem. Beyond said walking, however, I rarely exercised. Which was why when I had sat down and thought about it recently, it was quite bizarre to me that I could do such strenuous exercises daily and not think too much about it.

Must be my father, Rin's side, of course, brainwashing me with the whole way of the blade business. At some point, daily sword practice became something I did almost out of muscle memory.

Then again, when living in the unforgiving harshness of pre industrialized society, sweating a bit was nothing in comparison to dying to a small cut or various other inconveniences.

Exhausting as it was, swinging a sword or two cleared my mind. Lately, Elizabeth's problems have been slowly leaking into the Rin's me daily life as well. So, in a way, numbing sword exercises were healthy for both bodies.

Elizabeth me sure had it rough. Dealing with suffocating amount of paperwork and research material while Rin me simply swung her problems away. Not to mention the entire friend package she had going on...

"You never get bored, do you?"

"I try not to. Or else it would be rather maddening."

I should be asking you that question, Your Highness. Do you not get bored watching someone swing a sword? In fact, I believe you got bored at basically everything. Why are you here, watching Rin me of all people?

Ah, who am I kidding. I knew the exact reason why. Yet when the fate of the world rested on my shoulders, there really wasn't much joy to be had in the thought of a handsome guy taking an interest in me. Ah, youth. How I miss those simple times.

"It's quite fascinating to see how you lead your life in comparison to a certain someone I know."

That was a really roundabout way to say I was a weirdo. Well, one of my two bodies, I suppose.

"I can scarcely compare up to the individuals Your Highness would know," I tried my best to give him a genuine smile.

"Of course you can't. Would be a terrible day for the Kingdom if you could."

Harsh. Although I don't know what I expected.

"Still, in a sense, there is an interesting conversation to be had about the way the both of you conduct yourselves. How did two individuals who seem to practice two different ideals end up in the same place? And this time, perhaps, I wasn't making a mockery out of you. Not you specifically...anyway."

What a bunch of loaded nonsense. The real reason why he was here wasting his precious little time on me was no doubt because of what he knew about me in relation to Elizabeth me. If not for my knowledge of his true personality, I would have never seen past his twisted words that ultimately held no value other than entertaining himself.

"Was there really an ideal behind all that, Your Highness? It did seem like she wasn't thinking much of anything at all."

Where in the infinite worlds did you come from?

The aspiring knight, Isaac, had seemingly been observing my training routine alongside the prince, albeit from a distance.

"Fascinating in your method of practice, almost as much as the standard of carrying two swords yet wielding only one. Quite curious about the thinking behind your school. Is the second blade only for show?"

Rude. For a noble, he had zero manners. Or rather, no manners when it came to discussing the various martial arts.

"You can't just drop a question containing multi part responses and expect me to pick just one of them," I pointed out exasperatedly as I sheathed my weapon.

Reincarnated As Both The Villainess And Heroine...?Where stories live. Discover now