A Dance Once More

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I hated owing people. Anything, really. Money, favors, or even responsibilities. I hated the notion of being bound to something I inevitably have to pay up someday.

Even so, a promise was a promise, regardless of how I got scammed into agreeing to it.

"Your Highness, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Awfully stiff, aren't you? You haven't changed one bit since five years ago."

You're the one that's being too flippant, princess. One wrong etiquette on my part and that's a load of political backlash I didn't want to deal with.

"Brother forbade me to see you...or rather, the other way around. What changed?"

Refreshing. Oddly refreshing. It was quite a conflicting feeling to talk with someone that didn't either carry a constant sneer or a gaze of fanatical obedience.

As Elizabeth me, anyway.

With a gentle smile, the arrogant snob's sister studied me with a curious expression, as she had done so five years ago at the unfortunate party.

"An agreement with His Highness, I suppose."

"Must be quite important. Brother would always refuse my requests when it comes to you, you know. He almost never says no to me. How unfair, he himself enjoys dealing with you despite his self proclaimed distaste for you," she pouted. "Ah, sorry. Perhaps he didn't make it known to you?"

"The prince is remarkably honest."

Too honest.

"I see. Then...he must have said those things he had said to me about you as well, right...?"

They really were siblings, with how their azure eyes would shine when they dropped their pretenses.

"It's fine. I understand where His Highness is coming from."

"That day wasn't your fault," she forced the exchange of a stare, approaching uncomfortably close to me.

"It certainly wasn't. However, Your Highness's brother hates me for a different reason."

"He does?"

...Amazing. Truly, your rotten personality has no limits when it comes to catching me off guard, prince. To even lie to your sister about why I can't be trusted...

I mean, it's true I can't be trusted! I have ulterior motives to the very end! I even still have those kids in my basement! However, you shouldn't lie to your dearest sister about just how twisted Elizabeth was supposed to be!

...In my defense, I only kept them to follow what was described in the original story. But still! Very evil! Yes!

Well, I suppose it wouldn't matter in the end. After all, we would come to hate each other more than anything else in the world. That was an unchangeable destiny.

"Your Highness, you are a kind person. Much more than your brother, if I may be so bold. That's why, if you were to know what had happened on that day, I don't think you will be as forgiving as your brother. That, too, is fine. However, I have a promise to keep. As such, do allow me to say nothing of that day for now, even if you will surely understand by the end of all this. We can part ways after the festival, but please, for now, allow me the honor to be your escort."

The princess, rather annoyingly, burst out in laughter, "Like I said! So awfully uptight, aren't you. I don't hate people that easily, you know. No matter what terrible thing you have done, I'm sure there's hope of a second chance."

That only pointed towards just how deep Elizabeth's sins ran.

"Do call me Chloe, won't you?" She smiled as a normal child should.

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