Children Are Ruthless

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There was something distasteful about dealing with commoners. Ah, that came out wrong, didn't it? What I meant was that commoners were a pain to deal with. No no no, that ain't right either.

Ugh, this was difficult to explain. Let's start from the top, shall we?

Fundamentally, this world's social structure had nobility and royalty placed at the very top. The idea of equality among humans was nothing but a sick joke in this land. As a result, a commoner speaking to a noble can be...awkward.

I mean, anyone would be if they were speaking to someone that could very well ruin your life if they were to be displeased.

And you couldn't really accuse me of being patronizing or hypocritical either, because I've experienced both sides of this equation, you know.

"And? Why are you here?"I stared down at the grown man kowtowing before me.

"Apologies, of course," although his voice was calm, his limbs were trembling. "For earlier today."

Earlier? What? I don't even know you, my good sir.

"Do you know him?" I tilted my head back slightly, whispering to my maid.

"I believe I do," Lily nodded indifferently. "It was the rude servant who had made an...unfortunate mistake during lunch today."

Lunch...? Ah, that. It was that.

As my expression bloomed into that of understanding, the man's descended into one of fear.

You see what I meant about the whole commoner rant just now, hm? All he did was trip near me, you know. Tip of my shoes got stained a little bit, but nothing major. That was all it took for his face to become ashen white.

Even though he already apologized, this poor guy still went through all the trouble to find me. Really, all of this just seemed quite unnecessary. Still, I should probably play along for a little bit.

"I you have a family?"


I placed down my tea cup, which caused Lily to immediately refill me that wonderfully expensive blend.

"Lily, what do you think?" I mused as I stirred the tea leaves.

"The academy certainly pays its staff well, even for the most menial of labors. Yet, this clumsy man seems rather...frugal. Outfit that is repeatedly sewn together, among other things. I would assume he has a family to support. A rather big one, in fact. Or perhaps someone is sick."

"Is that so?" I feigned sadism in my giggle. "It would be shame, it would be quite the shame..."

"P-Please! Please spare my sister! She's all that I have left!" the man entered a full state of begging.

Ah, wait. I didn't even say what I was going to do! I had my evil villain laughter prepared, you know!? You can't just cheat my feelings like that!

"Then get out of my sight. You're ruining the taste of my tea," I grumbled.

As the servant scrambled out of the garden gazebo, I let out a deep sigh.

I didn't want to be mean, I really didn't. Still I had to get my practice in somehow. After all, in the coming years, this place shall be the grand stage where Elizabeth and Rin me would fool everyone, and lead them onto the preordained path.

I took a sip from my tea, but frowned, "Now the taste of tea is really ruined."

Lily uncharacteristically smiled, "You are quite kind, my lady."

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