Noble Treasures

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There was a certain joke to be made about sneaking into a party that I was invited to, but I felt that was too cheap, and perhaps even too easy. Well, that wasn't for certain. If I couldn't think of a good punchline by the end of all this, perhaps I'll fall back on it.

The art of comedy aside, we should talk about more important matters. Like how terribly cold the night was. And despite such a freezing temperature, I was sweating. As I gazed down at the liquid that only served to rob my body of heat further, I could only smile bitterly.

Raising my other right hand that was gloved, I confirmed the presence of sweat leaking through the previously pristine white gloves. Ah, what a shame. I ruined Lily's efforts almost instantly.

Concealing my sweaty palms by hiding behind father, I silently prayed that at the very least, nobody would spot Elizabeth me's discomposure. I could handle Shiro making fun of me, but it would be terrible to bring shame to my family.

Ah. I unknowingly got brainwashed over the years...Well, not that it mattered. I have decided that I shall live as both Rin and Elizabeth, so I should also learn to accept the responsibilities of both. Still, the anxiety filling my hearts was a bit too much.

It can't be helped. The emotional state of a five-year-old was rather fragile. The nervousness of bearing the weight of a country was quite demanding, to be honest. If my act in the following hours was just slightly off, a correction to the world's future could be massive.

Well, to be fair, the five-year-olds of this world were quite tough already. I mean, sneaking off into the night without a fear? I wouldn't have dared to done that when I was that young back on Earth. The time period of this world forced children to learn to be self reliant, I guess.

"Elizabeth. Introduce yourself," without even bothering with any sort of gentle appeasement, my father ordered me to do so.

He was a scary man, and would have no doubt intimidated me even if I was in my past body. It was the air of authority around him, I suppose. He was a duke, so I guess it wasn't anything too surprising. Really, where did my overjoyed father when I was born disappear off to?

Once you combine that intimidating atmosphere with him teaching me etiquette, you could guess how desperately I tried not to make any mistakes. The worse thing was, the worst has yet to come. I was not looking to my coming childhood years at all...

So it wasn't anything too pressuring when I was forced to introduce myself to the guests of the party. I was used to this. However, it seems my father misunderstood my uneasiness for my anxiety being in front of so many people, judging from the displeasure evident on his face.

The party, on the surface, was nothing too important. Just something done for the sake of diplomacy, with the duke being an ambassador of sorts. That much was obvious looking at the guests.

They resembled the people that Rin me would see on a daily basis, or in other words, they were people of the Empire. Only a handful was truly from the Kingdom, and even then, a good amount of them were direct vassals of father's duchy. Insignificant ones, but nonetheless affiliated with us.

Yet, thanks to the ability that was known as the foresight of a reincarnator, I knew better. In hindsight, it was quite obvious.

The dress I was wearing was a hint. I mean, giving a five-year-old child gloves? That was screaming gaudy already.

I don a white dress, and it wasn't particularly noteworthy in terms of style, since it was your standard white dress with a short skirt. However, standard didn't mean it was not eye catching. How? If one observed closely, one would notice reflections from the frills.

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