😵‍💫⚽️Soccer madness ⚽️😵‍💫

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    Zander x Luke
Luke raced across the field with his fellow teammates, desperately trying to score a point as the black and white spotted ball dashed around like a wild tornado. Today was the big soccer game so it really had to count. Luke had practiced forever for this day. He had to win!     
      Soccer was the ginger boys favorite sport. During PE (physical education) the boy had high hopes soccer would be the sport of the day but when it wasn't it felt like a hard kick in the face. The world would be gloomy rather than bright. But that was before he was dating the boy with periwinkle eyes.
          Zander and Luke had been dating for 4 months up to this point. Weather it be snuggles by the fireplace or late night star gazing, the couple was unstoppable! Zander wasn't into sports but he enjoyed watching Luke play. "Look at my lulu go" Zander  thought to himself as Luke got a point! Zander stood up and so did the rest of the crowd as the roars erupted! "GO BABY! I LOVE YOU!l Zander screamed. Zander was usually anti social but when his boy was doing something important the world stopped so Luke could feel wanted. Luke kicked the ball and passed it to his fellow teammate Liam who passed it to drew. Luke stood by the goal waiting for him to pass the ball as drew scored and whispered into his ear "your boyfriends outfit is ugly and so is his face!". The grape haired boy cackled, resembling a witches cackle. Luke looked down and looked back up. The ball came back for the next round and Luke scored causing loudness and booming.. THEY WON!!! Everyone hugged Luke and congratulated him.
      He left the field anxious to change and see his boyfriend. He went in the locker room and removed his shirt as Stacy approached him. "Stacy- this is the boys lo-" she interrupted him "by forcefully smashing her lips onto his. She "caressed his abs and hair as he pulled away. "Stacy-" but the short boyfriend saw. He was there to surprise Luke but failed. "MY LULU CHEATED ON ME!!" The boy thought, as single delicate tear flowing down his cheek. He quickly turned around and stormed out of the locker room. Luke snatched away from the girl with the long dark clean wavy ponytail. "My baby bunny is out there waiting for me. He's my boyfriend. My little eggling. Don't you ever try to change that.".
     He stormed off quickly, changing into his outfit and looking for the grumpy boyfriend. But he was crying. The ginger noticed, sprinting quickly over and kneeling down in front of him. "Oh my darling cheesecake with strawberry's! What's bothering you! I can take it away!". Zander looked up. "You c-cheated o-on m-me puppy.. you said I was your snugglicious cuddle blossom...". Luke lifted the boys chin and smiled. "I would never cheat zandy. That girl grabbed me! I told her you are my baby bunny, that will never change.". Zander parted his lips and met them with the ginger boys. A short but meaningful kiss. Zander stood and then Luke did to.
   Zander squatted down and pushed himself off the ground, jumping into looks arms. Luke held him and began to tickle his tummy. "Sweet cheeks stop!!! Heheheh!!!!! Oh my god hershey kiss! STOP! HEHEHHEEH". Luke stop and kissed him. "I love you zuzu" "I love you lulu". He carries Zander into the car and sat him down, buckling his seat belt for him. Luke got in and shut the door, handing zander a small gift bag. "Puppy... you didn't have too.." Luke smiled. "Nonsense! Open it pancake!" He opened it and saw the most incredible thing... a stuffed teddy bear 🧸 with a pink bow, it said "my Zandy bear" on the stomach. Zander screamed and slammed his head onto looks shoudler. "THANK YOU SO MUCH TWINKLE TOES!". Luke giggled "anything for my zandy bear".

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