👉👈Im a theatre kid👉👈

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Luke's pov:
Me and my grape walked to school, a day just like any other. Nothing out of the ordinary.
    As we approached the large cube school building, Zander dropped everything, squeezed, and ran. He pressed his hands and face against the window. I quickly ran to him. "Ducky! Where are you going!!!". As I reached to him, he was reading something. The sign read "auditions for mean girls the musical after school". A looked at my bub. "Schmookims... I didn't know you-". He interrupted. "LUKEY! IM A THEATRE KID!". He began to cry. I put my hands to his waist and was about to hug him, as he all of a sudden dropped all of his weight to the ground and started screaming and crying. "PLEASE!! STOP!!!!". He began rolling around and screaming. "Baby stop!". I sat on the ground and began singing gently to calm him down. 🎶the seasons come and go like thoughts of you🎶 he calmed down and took some deep breathes. I picked him up and brought him to his feet. He looked me in the eyes. "I meant what I said Luke.. I am a theatre kid". I smiled. "It's okay!!". He smiled. He squinted his eyes and jumped. "I am so happy you accepted me!".
I would never judge him. I would never hurt him. And if anybody ever hurt him... I might just give them a good OL' pop in the mouth.. anyways!
Zander smiled and said "Im gonna audition!". I looked at him. "Do it!!! I cant wait to see you sing and dance!!". He looked so excited he might just pop! Hopefully he doesn't actually pop! Zander is my everything. I am sorry I got distracted Lolz!
I held his hand as he looked at the characters for the musical! He really is going to audition! He must want to audition for Damian, they are very similar after all! (Zander X Damian cursed ship UwU)
"You will be such a good Damian!" I said, as I put my hand on his shoulder. He scrunched his brows and looked at me, his orbs super wide as he snatched away aggressively with angst. "Im auditioning for Regina.". I was so excited when he said this! I looked at him and began talking loudly. "the controversy! The talent! This will be great! Yeah! Feminism woohoo!!"

Time skip to the audition UwU
Zander stood on stage with all the other people auditioning! I sat in the crowd to cheer for my lil mushroom. "Next up, Zander wickham". I smiled. Maybe someday he would be Zander Peterson... anyways! Zander stood on stage. "I am auditioning... for..." he took a step forward and held his head high. "Regina George". The directors was response "k". The lights all went out, bringing us Mumbles filled the Audience. Then a single spotlight went to Zander. He prepared for a sandbag to hit him. The audience shot darts with their eyes. Zander cleared his throat and the music began to play. He began singing world burn. 🎶 I WANNA WATCH THE WORLD BURRRRRN!🎶. I couldn't help but cry. I cried and cried as my Zander bowed. The lights returned to normal. I stood up and screamed, he was so magnificent. Zander bowed. "Thank you all!!!". He pulled out his chapstick and pampered his lips. I jumped onto the stage and gave him a peck on the beak like lips. People began cheering and cheering! He looked at me. "Now you have to audition"

This chapter was very short but it's okay!

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