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Third person POV:
"I have never heard anything like this before... it's a no-" "HEY! THIS IS TOTAL BULL SHIT! YOU HORSE ASS!"

Zander POV:
You may be wondering how we got here Lolz!! Let's rewind a few moments! Like one of those coolio time peeps!!
It was always me dream to be in AGT! Oh lol! I should specify! Not "arrogant gay twit". America's got talented!! I dreamed of getting on the big stage! And either singing, dancing, playing music, or doing a cheer routine in a mini skirt!! I want to share my talent with the world! But I also want to see the son of hunk sexy papi chulo Simon Cowell 🥵!! Don't tell my puppy I said that Lolz! I think he has a crush on terry crews anyways! Oh dear, I got wide tracked... ANYWAYS! We all have hopes and dreams but rarely anyone actually gets to live them... though i am dating my Zaramap pooey poo poo. Perhaps dreams can come true...

*Later that day*

I was home alone. Lucky charms was at school, but i decided to stay home because i was having some night terrors the night before so i wasnt fit for going to school lolz. I took advantage of being alone and and decided to role play on bloxburg. I joined a server and drove to city hall then put an ad in chat. "ABC TO DO A AMERICAS GOT TALENT RP" but... nobody came :( I felt so bedtrayed i started crying. I slammed shut my phone. This was the worst day of my life. Well.. if nobody wanted to play with me i guess i could wait till my biddy biddy vonca chacha spice beenie babie came home... Until then... i would have to plessure myself in other ways.. if you know what i mean.

i then grabbed a sock.... then i put it....

On my hand and played sock puppets!!

"Hello i am alexzander hamilton..."

i made myself burst into a fit of laughter.


then i got a really good idea, i deciding to atempt to sing a really high skilled song. I mean i mine as well try it. I clicked on sing king karoke and began so sing...

"here we stand...worlds apart hearts broken in two, two, two. Sleepless nights, losing ground im reaching for you, you, you..."

Then the music began getting more intense, and as the beat got faster so did my dance moves.

i felt as if i was THE greater power, i was unstopple. i could do anything. then.. the cue popped up on the screen.


i sang out. tears forming in my eyes i felt .. something coming..

what i didnt know at the time is that my little dentist king had walked into the house and began watching my show.


I then got the strong fem urge to stand on the coffee table, so i did.


Then the lyrics faded off the tv though the music started playing 10x louder!! Replacing the lyrics was huge whit flashing lights that made it look like poltergeist lolz. (Steve freeling fan 4 life.)


Right then my feet lifted off the coffee table.. i was leviatting (THough this calls for a dua lipa joke i was theese to crack one.)

As i was flying i started spinning in the air as my hair went all kinds of loosy ass directions!"

Then the song ended and i slowly landed on one put after the other (just crack a egg)

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