☔️Rainy Days☔️

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Zander pov:
I layed in my bed, sleeping soundly. I had a wonderful dream about my peanut butter prince. His beautiful orange locks were flowing in the wind as he kissed me passionately. I then woke up from the sound of a bang. Not just a bang. A boom. And then another bang. And then a crack. And a snap. It sounded like a BANG SNAP BOOM CRACK! I pulled my blankets close and sat up, leaning against my bed frame. I began to shake. I looked at the clock, it read 2:35 am. I saw the rain cloud around my house. As if the world hated me. The lighting and thunder was the cause of this horrid sound. and then BOOM! I let out a horrid scream and began to whimper. "MOMMY! IM SCARED!". But then I realized I was home alone. Hailey was spending the night with that meany Jake. Mommy and Michael were off on a trip. I began to scream. "LUKE! HELP ME!". But of course he couldn't hear me. I heard a knock on the door. I screamed "NO!!". I got up and grabbed my teddy that Lukey had purchased. We made it together at build a bear. I scurried down stairs into the kitchen. I grabbed a large Machete from the kitchen. My mom usually kept it there incase of any bad guys entering out dwelling. It was about 2 foot long and 3 inches wide. I held it in front of me and moved it around like a samurai sword for protection slowly. The door knocked again. I shut my eyes and opened it and screamed. I began swinging the large dangerous item around like crazy. "GRAPE! GRAPE JELLY! STOP!" I heard. Grape jelly? The only person who would call me that is... TWINKLE TOES?!?. I dropped the machete. "Cheesecake...? W- what are-". I was interrupted. Luke always did so when he felt it was necessary. "I heard your screams.". I smiled. "You live 3 miles away... wow". He suddenly picked me up and carried me to bed. "So I understand rain and thunder scare you but have no fear!". He tucked me in and layed down with me. We slept the whole night.
~the next morning~
I happily skipped down my hallway heading to the front door. My sugar promised me breakfast! He's taking me out to my all time favorite breakfast place! "WENDYS OO!!!" I harshly squealed skidding down the stairwell railing. "My Caterpillar is exited for breakfast I see?" My baby is so sweet. "Yes! I physically cannot wait I feel like I'm gonna explode can we go now please baby cakes cherry blossom?" I gave him my sparkle eyes. It's a inside joke you would have to be there lolz. "Ahh, I guess so zandy poo." My Prince Charming began. We headed out the front door and I headed towards the car. I don't know I just found myself in such a joyful mood I found myself playing hopscotch without any squares on the concrete hopping from one Foot to another I waited for my angel pie to walk outside and start the car I was so happy for this wonderful day to start at Wendy's I've reminded myself that the horrific hereditary traumatizing event from last night never happened so I can enjoy my day. I was sitting on the top of The neon orange tesla that belong to my shmookums. I love calling him that. Lulu baby... any who! I just find myself getting so distracted lol. anytime I think of him I just feel like I'm about to pop like actually my brain like it's part of the brain slowly leaking out of my eyes and ears. But it's gonna be a rainbow or something! (For pride of course) while I sat onto of the huge bright Tesla that could be mistaken for the sun I felt as if I was a old picture fram collecting dust on an unwanted shelf. Had he forgotten our date plans? No... no... how could he? Just then. *FREAK BOOM!* it began pouring rain. Just then it felt as if I was playing a everlasting jigsaw puzzle and I finally put the last piece in place. It was tropical storm Obama. The storm was only ever made to kill me. And drag me to H. E. Double hockey sticks. Life hated me. It was a fact at that. I screamed like I never had before I sobbed I threw myself off the Tesla bruising my smol face. I rolled around in the mud begging for god to take me. Suddenly I heard the door open and make a small cream which only scared me more. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HELP ME END MY SUFFERING" I shouted as soon as I heard the door. I looked like I had be pooed on due to how much mud was drenched all over my fine cashmere dress.

The red one expect its pastel purple lolz I love Mario so much I told you I'm a bit different in the gamer type world

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The red one expect its pastel purple lolz I love Mario so much I told you I'm a bit different in the gamer type world.
. "ILL SAVE YOU MY PORCUPINE!!" My Lucy was here to save me. He then began running and started... flying..? It appeared that way to me although there's no such thing as ghosts lol. It looked that way due to how fast he started running and how high he jumped to jump on the Tesla. His feet were above the 2 story house but he landed perfect like Spider-Man. Hehe. He then jumped on top of me and flipped me over appearing to be dead. At least I felt like it UWU. "Are you okay my porcupine?" He .. called me porcupine... had he felt the same way I felt about him...? Did he too... "Zander I didn't mean to- I-" you see, being called porcupine in the lgptq group of people, means you call the air, life, creator, world. I interrupted him swifter than taylor swift. "Shh... your my spirt animal." I whispered.


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