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Zander x Luke
Zander pov
   I woke up in the morning and got ready for school as usual. I had a bowl of Raisin Bran. Soo good! I missed the days Lukey would come over and feed it to me. Oh lukey 💭 sorry I got distracted Lolz! I called My Peanut Butter and waited for him to answer. But he never did. I began to tear up. He never ignored my calls?!? I called a second time but still no answer. I texted him.
Z= Zander
L= Luke

🧡My honey blossom mushroom🧡
Z- are you okay baby cakes?!?
Z- baby cakes where are you?
Z- do you need an ambulance?
I texted him a bunch and no answer. I left the house the first to school, with tears streaming out of my eye balls. I arrived at the school, and looked around for my cuddle boy. I was so anxious I thought h would die. Then, the purple moron came up to me. "What do you want drew." I said rude. "Where's your ginger? Your not so tough without him?". I rolled my eyes. "Get out of here loser." I walked away. I went to all my classes. At the end of the day, my phone began to buzz, and I shouted. "PEANUT BUTTER!!!" In class. I felt a million eyes  burn into my purple head. I felt my cheeks grow a shade of pink and I grabbed my stuff and walked out of class. I answered the phone. "Honey pie?!?! Are you okay?!?". "Yeah I'm okay darling. I didn't call because I was busy and I am not here- It doesn't matter. I love you.". He hung up. Is he.... Never mind. I left the school, heading over to Luke's house. After some time, I arrived at the neon orange home of my boo. I knocked on the door, and waited. No answer. I knocked again, as luke creaked the door open slightly, barley peaking out. "!!! Zander?!?!? I- why are you here?!". I frowned. "Are you not happy to see me?". "Of course I am but this is a really bad time...". I looked at his hand and saw blood. I squinted and looked closer, as I pushed the door open. He was standing in front of me, towering. I slammed open the door and saw blood on his face. "Luke... why is there blood on your face..". He scratched the back of his orange locks and took a step closer to me, as if trying to get me too leave. "Hey... let's just-" I pushed passed him. "No Luke- tell me. There's clearly something y- HOLY CHRIST!!!" I saw a puddle of blood inching toward me, and a dead body. I began to feel light headed. "Puppy- w- I don-" that was the last thing I remembered.

Luke POV
I hadn't checked my phone all day. I woke up early and was starving. So I walked outside and saw Liam walking around. I walked up to him as he said "oh hey buddy! Zander is an ugly prick". I snatched him by the wrist and drug high into my home. I but into his neck and drank a bunch of his blood as I became full. My cupcake, Zander could not know about me. If he knew I was a vampire, we would be over. When he showed up at my house I was startled.   He came into the house and saw Liam's body. Then my little sprout fainted. I gently lifted him up and placed him in my warm bed. I slammed the door loudly, as I grew annoyed. I stomped over to Liam's lifeless body. I grabbed him and began digging a hole. After he was buried I got a shower and mopped up the blood.
Zander POV
I woke up in orange covers. I was in Aweosme Possims room?!? I got up quickly, and walked out seeing Luke was on the couch. "Hey sugar pie! Are you feeling better?" He asked kindly. I didn't respond. I felt so light headed. He rushed up and held my shoulders. "Luke.. why was there a body..." he squinted his eyebrows. He placed both of his hands on my face. "Darling what are you talking about?". Tears flowed. "I saw the blood, the body... puppy what's going on?!?" He looked me in the eyes. "Zander.... I- uh" I took a deep breathe. "NO! LUKE STOP USING EXCUSES!". He began to cry. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. "TELL ME". I walked closer to my boy.  "Woah!!! Zander calm down.." He stepped closer to me and reached out, as I slashed his hand. I gasped and dropped the nice as I saw the blood fall. I put my hands to my face. "Oh god.., I- I'm sorry- I didn't.." Luke quickly turned around. I dropped the knife and ran up to him. "IM SO SORRY! Here let me help you..." I grabbed his hand but there was no cut. No blood. I backed away. "Luke.. what.." I glared at him. "What are you.". He came close to me. "You know.". "WHAT ARE YOU!" He looked down. "I'm a vampire.".
The next morning
I smiled as I went up to my boy. I squealed! I always wanted a vampire boyfriend Lolz!! "Hey boo bah..." I asked. "Yes?". I asked.. "could you make me a vampire?"
Plot twist!!! Zander wants to be a vampire!! Thanks for reading this chapter! Please vote!

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