✈️ long distance✈️

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Zander pov:
It was a warm Autumn day. Luke's favorite season. Each time the autumn season occurs, my baby boos heart is filled with joy. I remember waking up one morning during fall, and he was just so happy! He was skipping around on a Monday morning, watering flowers, humming and he even took me on a date! He spun me around and slow danced while singing. That was one of my favorite days!!
But anywho, I got out of my rainbow bed sheets, and made my bed, because I am organized. I tend to find myself organizing a lot of tingz lolzzzz!!!!
Anyways, I sprung out of bed, and put on my favorite pink and purple outfit! I put on my cherry chapstick because it is oh so yummy! And also put on a pretty headband because I was feeling confidence! I marked off my calendar, day 36. 36 days since my sunny boy moved to Connecticut. I wrote him letters, because certain days his service did work. My heart is broken because long distance is difficult for I, a boy of abandonment and father troubles, a boyfriend who is clingy, and sad often. And I, someone who needs love. I wanted to write Luke a letter, but I shut my door and began singing. 🎶I. I who have nothing. I. I who have no one...🎶. I had been singing it so loud, my aunt (she lives in Ireland) texted me and said to quiet down!! Anyways, I got out my pink calligraphy pen and began writing. The letter ended up like this:

Dear honey dew,
Oh how I've missed you. Things at school have been hard... Jake and Hailey are still dating which is a bummer in the summer.. although it is autumn!!!! lol sorry darling heart sickle, I got distracted again, didn't I? I hope my distracting writing doesn't tempt you to leave me like my father. I got a new pair of shoes, they are pumps! They are super shiny!!  Mommy has been stressing out about money ever since Michael got fired from his part time job In the mafia... it seems like my ship is sinking without you. But enough about me, and my life and about how I never wanted you to leave me. How are you doing ducky? Is it warmer or colder in Connecticut? Have you made friends at school? Are there any pretty girls or boys that would make you leave me? I have to be honest Lukey... im terrified for you. I saw this movie last night entitled "the haunting of Connecticut" and the truth is... I am Totes spooked out! Sleeping at night has been difficult, specially since you haven't been around and such. But I am worried that a goblin will eat you up! Anyways, I hope everything is going well! I love you so much chicky!
Love, grape

I folded the letter, and attached a photo of my foot, so he can see my new shoes! I hope he's not mad I didn't paint my toes! I guess that letter was back handed because I wanted to guilt rip him into coming to me. If I'm honest... I should tell you that Luke is everything to me. He is my heart and soul. I tried to distract myself from the fact that he is gone forever, so I painted my nails gold.
I walked down stairs, and saw a drunk Michael standing in the living room. "ZANDER GET DOWN HERE YOU FAG!!". I started to tremble in fear and cry. He grabbed me by my shoulders and shoved me to the ground. "Okay pretty boy, read that letter to me right now!". I was crying hysterically. I began to pray to Luke... Luke please save me..

Luke pov:
I lay in bed, reading one of Zander's old songs he wrote. All of a sudden my head started to hurt and I felt dizzy.. ZANDER NEEDS ME! IM COMING GRAPE SODA BABY POOPIE!!!

Zander Pov
"PLEASE LEAVE ME!" I shouted as Michael began hitting me with a fly swatter. Just then my PB&J saved me! He used the force and killed Michael lol! Finalllyyy!!! He kissed me and smiled. "Even when I'm a thousand miles away... I wish that I could stay with you". I kissed him. "Long distance is hard...". He smiled "I know ducky pie.. it's okay! But I hope you know, that we're still close!".

The end guys! See you next chapter!!!!!

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