💕My Princess💕

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Zander x Luke

Zander POV
I woke up in my gigantic comfy bed with lukey. We snuggled up together all night, keeping each other warm. I was sleeping and Luke had his strong arms wrapped around my waist. I love my Luke. Around 11 AM my Sweet boy woke me. "Good morning sunshine! I made you breakfast!!". I sprung out of bed and flew to the kitchen. I ate everything super quickly. Luke smiled and sat next to me. "So... would you like to go shopping? We can get some clothes and food and whatever you want! I was also thinking we can watch that movie Love Simon! It's about a young gay teen! Like us!". I smiled and giggled. "Heheheheh! Lukey! Your the sweetest! I love you bub!". He picked me up and spun me around. "I love you too Zuzu!".
I got dressed and we headed to the mall. There were so many good stores! We stopped at game stop because I was feeling like a gamer today! Sometimes I'm just different than the rest! Then we stopped and Luke bought some clothes and sweaters and even bought us matching sweaters! As he was shopping in R&J's I smiled. "Lukey... I will be right back I'm gonna go to the bathroom". He turned around. "Okay just be careful!". I nodded and left.
I walked around and went into Cinderella dress shop. There were so many dresses! I didn't know if Luke would love me in a dress. I walked around until I found the most beautiful dress! It was almost as if, I was destined too wear it!
This is the dress! I can do see Zander wearing this on episode 9 UwU

 I walked around until I found the most beautiful dress! It was almost as if, I was destined too wear it!This is the dress! I can do see Zander wearing this on episode 9 UwU

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I held the dress in my arms as I felt the material. I picked it up. I headed over to a fitting room and tried it on. It fit perfectly. But then I looked in the mirror and began to cry. Luke would never love me like this! He would think less of me. I took off the dress I put on my normal clothes. I left the dressing room and saw Luke.
"AH! BABY CAKES?!?" I shouted. "Darling why are you in here?". I looked down. "If you want me to buy you one you could've asked". I looked into his eyes. "Oh. Okay. I was trying one-" he interrupted me. "I wanna see it!". I went into the room and put on the dress again. I couldn't open the door. I was so scared. He knocked on the door and I began to shake. "Bubba are you okay?". I cried. "I- I can't wear this.". "Baby open the door.". I opened it and Luke walked in. He shut the door and looked at me. "Z- Zander... your-" I cried even more. "I'm ugly!". "Your beautiful! This is so pretty! I will but it for you!". He told me to keep it on, as he paid for the dress.
We left the store and I felt millions of eyes burning into me. We went to the parking lot and Luke picked me up bridal style! "Come on my princess!". I giggled. I love my prince Luke.

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