🪩 school dance part 2 🪩

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SORRY FOR NOT POSTING LOLZ! Okay here is the next part!
Zanders dress incase you forgot:

Zander POV:Boom! Clap! Smack wack crack! I heard as I was carried into the casual dance! The lights were beaming purple and orange! Wait a second

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Zander POV:
Boom! Clap! Smack wack crack! I heard as I was carried into the casual dance! The lights were beaming purple and orange! Wait a second... UwU PURPLE AND ORANGE! Yay!! Lukey Wookey carried me!
By the way lolz, my husband hired 26 servants to help carry my dress!! It's very large! Just like me! Anyways Lolz!
As I looked around, I noticed something rather Peculiar... EVERY PERSON WAS FUCKETY FUCKING UNDER FUCKING DRESSED FUCK! Sorry Lolz! I talk like a potty!!
As I listened to the sweet sound of a melody, one of my favorite songs started playing! "Time of our lives!!!"!!! I screamed as loud as I possibly could the second I heard the first beat. I screamed so loud, it triggered at 12.6 earthquake! But then I reversed time and it never happened lol! JK!! But I still screamed really loud.
Anywho! Luke spun me around in a fancy manor! My dress swallowed people whole! It was so fancy! When all of a sudden... he lifted me like on that movie disgusting dancing!! But then my dress flipped over... and the night started going down. Luke roared super loud as my dress covered him entirely! I fell down and so did he! I kicked and screamed and roared on the ground as if I was on fire! But then I heard other people yelling and it turns out it was because they were also stuck in my dress!! Damn you fashion!!!! But all of this didn't matter. Because the servants Luke hired, saved everybody! I knew what had to be done. I had to switch into my second dress:

It was short Lolz! Hopefully the world doesn't see everything I've shown Luke! I realized dancing in this was much easier! I shook my rump a bit and I had a grand ol' time!!! "HEY SAND CASTLE!! GUESS WHAT" Luke smiled and responded

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It was short Lolz! Hopefully the world doesn't see everything I've shown Luke! I realized dancing in this was much easier! I shook my rump a bit and I had a grand ol' time!!! "HEY SAND CASTLE!! GUESS WHAT" Luke smiled and responded. "YES MERMAID MAN?". I giggled and kissed his cute nose! He then but my ear and then we danced some more!! Nothing could ruin this night!!!
Luke pov:
Something was going to ruin this night. It was just a matter of when.. you see.. before me and za za started dating...
"Oh Luke!! Go to the dance with me!!" Stacy squeaked and she was licking his face! Luke laughed and wiped if his face! "I'm sorry girly pop! I cant! You see... I'm gay! Gay gay gay! Gayyyy! GAYYYY!!" He began screaming in her face and lost control. "GAYYYYYYYYYY". She cried and left.
End of flashback
Luke POV:
I don't know why I acted like Stacy was going to show up lol! She moved to Guam 3 weeks ago!!! In the distance I heard arguing.. oh well lolz!
Jake pov:
Fuck this life. Hailey promised me she would be my date! He promise she would wear a pretty gown and do a pretty hair style and such! But no. Here she comes.. pulling up in a limousine with her bitch as whore date. Daisy. I DIDNT KNOW THE GIRLS I LIKED ENDED UP BEING GAY!! no wonder... she's related to Zander. To make things worse! She shows up, WEARING A SUIT! LIKE SHES A GUY OR SOMETHING!!!!! WHAHAHAH!
Sorry. Tonight is the worst night of my life. Luckily they PTA asked MEEEE to sing the national anthem!!! I sure am excited!!!!!
Drew POV:
Boy oh boy... Jake is singing the national anthem? We'll see what happens.
Anyways... I was dancing with Zoe. When all of a sudden I saw the prettiest girl. Well from the back at least.. she had curves.. curly short hair.. a short purple dress and heels. And she was dancing with... LUKE?? I DIDNT KNOW LUKE WAS A CHEATER!!
I spit in Zoe's face. "Go eat some more burgers you ugly cow". I felt so proud :) I marched over to Luke and the mystery girl. But before I could do anything I heard a loud squeak on the microphone. "Hello? Is this thing on? Oh.. it is!". It was Jake. He looked pretty snazzy. Anyways.
Jake pov:
And that's when I got signed up for a talent agency. I sang the national anthem... but at the end.. NAILED IT! I ADDED NOTES AND RIFFS! YAHAAAA! SUCESS! I sang the rest of the night. UwU!! I tooted into the microphone and nobody laughed... so then I left!
Drew POV:
Thank god his horrid singing is over. I walk up to Luke and begin to speak. "Well well well... I knew you were cheating. Just wait until Zander hea-".. and then all of my masculinity erased. The sexy babe that that gay twink was dancing with.. WAS ZAN FUCKING DER. FUCK LOL! I got super embarrassed.
Zander POV:
I knew Luke was acting some sort of way the entire night. Not because he was happy, but because he was hiding something. But this.. he was cheating? On me? The Queen of America!!! I could not believe it!! I don't know what happened but drew pissed on the floor and left... anywho! I lost control. I couldn't take it. I didn't even ask who she was.
Luke pov:
I didn't even cheat!!! I don't know what he was talking about. But the next thing I knew, Zander turned into something...
Zander pov:
I scratched Lukes face. I was loosing it. And then I let it all go. I closed my eyes and began flying lol. I levitated high into the air as my hair blew back. The music stopped. And everybody backed into one corner of the arena. People started screaming and running towards the doors. With my wide eyes, I quickly looked at the doors, and they shut. I closed every  door with my mind and locked it. Tears stopped pouring down my face. Everybody was screaming until I said "SHUTUP YOU HETERO SKANKS!!! TONIGHT IS MY NIGHT". Still flying, I keep shooting my looks around. And I started a fire. The fire sure was hot! Almost as hot as Luke!! The fire spread around and people were burning! YAY!!! The water sprinklers began to go off, the electricity began shooting everywhere!!! I used my magic abilities to lift Luke into the air with me! He was crying lol! He began to sing. "The seasons come and go-" " SHUT UP!!!" I made him fly against the wall. He was pressed against it as I flew closer to him. I began to sing. "MAYBE NEXT TIME YOU'LL THINK BEFORE YOU CHEAT!!!". I then ate him! All up! He's gone lol! No remains! Murder was spread and the bodies piled up! And then I noticed drew. I slowly returned to the ground. I walked up to him. "Hi!" He said. "I smacked his ass and glared". "Goodbye Yosemite Sam!!". I ripped apart his face and ate him as well!! I left the school. And walked away!! I was so proud. Until I realized I killed Luke lol! I sang as loud as I could "IF WE HAD FIVEEEE MOREEE MINUTESSSSS". Then I pulled a rifle out of my ass and swallowed some bullets! Then I stabbed my tummy! And for the finale, I tied myself to a rocket and blasted into to space! Space jam Lolz! The song that never ends Bert and Ernie toys R Us mr moon extravaganzalorius!! Well the end I guess! Positive Smurf

Hope you liked it lolz!

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