Chapter 3

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Meanwhile, 7 boys here were petrified in panic. The maknaes were in school while the elders were in college when they received a call saying their father had heart attack when he was in an important meeting with board members. Their father was rushed to the nearby hospital and the elders had to fetch their brothers as soon they heard it.


The youngest were sobbing while the elders had to calm them down and keep their composure cool. If by any means they join in the youngests, then there's no way, it'll calm down.

Namjoon and Hoseok were trying their best to calm the youngests. 3 of them wouldn't stop crying and freaking out.

Yoongi and Jin were waiting calmly as they expected the doctor to finish the treatment. Their father was in emergency ward and the display of nurses and doctors rushing in and out terrified the kids.

The elders themselves couldn't stop freaking from it.

Taehyung the second to the youngests, was sobbing his eyes out and asked his older brother stuttering.

"Hoseok hyung, dad will be fine right?"

Hoseok himself couldn't comfort the youngest with comforting words. Yet he tried his best.

"H-He will be fine Taehyung. Don't worry. The doctors are trying their best to save dad. So don't cry and be strong, okay? Hmm"

Hoseok hummingly patted Taehyung's head. He couldn't bear seeing his siblings feeling sad.


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