Chapter 13

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"Jia, are you sure about meeting them? You despise your father till your core and your sudden desicion to directly face them now is not so good" Bum spoke as he was having a look at the schedule which was cleared up because of your plan to meet them.

"I don't know. I just wanted to see them. That's it. Now get cleared up and ask Seo Joon to track their whereabouts. I will be moving first" You said as you stood up with the silk slick and peach blouse.

Even though you were a Mafia Queen, you had your company's as your coverage for your looks. The whole world knew who is Jia as well the domination 'Black Rose' rules this world.

Bum saw you walking away with your hand clasped behind as usual.

"You never change, you can keep that blank face all along but not your love for your brothers. As if I don't know anything"

Sighing, he took his tablet with him along the walkie talkie to ask the boys whereabouts at their underground techie's.


Bum was driving as he got the boys location and headed towards the boys company. The whole ride was silent as usual and Bum had something in his mind for a while. Well not a while, but for a long time, and asked, "Jia, I know what your dad did but will you take revenge on the boys for their father's sin?"

It was a very crucial matter. As much as Bum researched about the Kim Family, the boys were oblivious to whatever deeds their father committed. But he very well knew, how much hatred you had on your father. Your past was built mysteriously. Emotions were thrown out of your body, and you became a stone for whatever your father did.

The whole Kim Family had dark secrets that they hide very well from the world. No one knew it; they were meant to be hidden. It had be dangerous if they unveiled.

"I don't know. Who knows, I might?" You crossed your hands as you were watching the kindergarten kids boarding a school bus, as all of them farewelled their parents placing a kiss and the sweet giggling that weren't audible enough to hear in your car but the cheerful naive giggles.

"But they are innocent. I have no right to convince you on your decision knowing you had never back down once you are on it already but as far as I know, the boys know nothing and did nothing. Don't involve them in your sick game"

You didn't say anything as your emotions were triggered as the kids eyesight. Your face was blank but only you knew how you were internally disturbed by your past recalls.

In all honesty, you had no idea on involving them but the only fact that provokes your vengeance like oil poured onto fire was they were Jinshin, your dead father's sons aka your stepbrothers.

Blocking every past of yours from invading your mind, you rested your leg on another as you slide up your tablet and started checking your next deal of new set of weapons arriving at the north port. It was a 4 Billion Won deal.


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