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Scout's POV:

Me, Jem, 'an Dill were playin' around when I heard Calpurnia, screamin' like a wild banshee.

"Jem, Calpurnia nee's us!" he nods, all o' us making a dash to our house to find Dr. Reynolds startin' to enter the house.

"Dr. Reynolds, s'matter?" he turns, gulping and placing his hands on me 'n Jem's shoulders.

"Your mama is inside, you two. Dill, go on to your Aunt Rachel's," he says a quick goodbye and darts to his Aunt's house, "she is very sick, and your Pop needs you." Jem begins to run to the room where our mama is, me following close behind. He slams open the door, Atticus kneeled by the bed, openly sobbing into her hand.

"Atticus?" Jem asks, our father looking up at us with tear-stained eyes and his glasses askew on the bridge of his nose.

"J-Jem. S-Scout. W-Where's Dr. Reynolds?" he stood, wiping his tears with his handkerchief. Just at that moment, Dr. Reynolds enters.

"Atticus, I'm gonna need you to go down with the kids. Send Cal up, she'll know what to do." he nods, ushering us downstairs and whispering something to Calpurnia, she went up. Atticus sat down on our couch, sitting his glasses down and covered his face with his hands.

"Atticus?" Jem asked lowly, sitting down by Atticus. Jem's eyes watered, starting to cry, which activated my tear ducts.

"I don't want mama to go!" Jem wailed, Atticus pulling him into a hug. I started to sob, tears running fluidly down my face. My heart was hurting, and I climbed into Atticus' lap and cried into his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, kissing my temple. He touched his nose to mine, whispering "I love you".

"I love you too, Daddy." I gasped and choked on my tears, burying my face into his chest.

"I love you both--so much. I--" he choked on his words, and bit his bottom lip.

"Mr. Finch," Atticus looked up, then so did Jem and I. Through my teary eyes, I saw Dr. Reynolds, "she's alive. I was able to help her, but I don't know how much longer she'll live. Cherish your moments with your mama, children." Atticus nodded, then began to walk fast to where Mama was laid.

"Addison," he spoke, kneeled by her and kissed her pale lips, "doll, I missed you." her lips tipped up in the slightest smile.

"Atticus," a tear ran down her face, her hand reaching for Atticus' face. She cupped his cheek, wiping his tears, "I'll be fine. Please don't cry for me." Atticus pulled from her embrace to kiss her palm, placing his nose where he kissed.

"I--I know d-doll." she sat up the slightest, patting the bed for him to crawl in.

"My angels. Jeremy, Jean, come lay by me. Mama missed you." we leap in, Jem sitting at the edge and I was by Mama. Atticus scooted on Mama's other side and wrapped an arm gingerly around her waist.

"Atticus, promise me you'll put them Ewells in jail. I need this if I---die." he nods, kissing her forehead.

"Missus and Mister Finch, Miss Crawford, Miss Merriwether, and Miss Atkinson wish to see you." Mama smiles at the mention of her friends, nodding for Cal to bring them in. She bring them in, the three ladies clutching handkerchiefs.

"Oh, Addison, it was so terrible what happened to you! Everyone was appalled." Miss Merriwether glared down at the ground, probably imagining the bad men that did this to Mama.

"Yes, yes it was. I'm fine though. Atticus is gonna handle this." she kissed his lips, then kissed his temple.

"I'm so glad you're OK, Addison. We all are." Mama smiles, then groans in pain.

"Are you OK?" I hear Atticus whisper in her ear, getting up. I feel Jem tug me up, holding me back.

"I'm fine, just a pain. Get back in bed Atticus Finch." she giggles, pulling him down and then Jem lets me climb back in.

"Well, let's have a little lunch and then we can take a walk," Atticus chuckles at her perseverance, smiling widely, "then hopefully I can meet Tom." Atticus helped Mama up, her steps a bit wobbly, but it was fine because she leaned on Atticus.

"Maudie, Stephanie, Missy, would you like to have lunch with me and the family?" they nodded eagerly at Mama's invitation, exiting the bedroom with Mama, Atticus, me, and Jem. We entered the kitchen and Cal smiled, seeing Dill at the door.

"Missus Finch, should I let Dill in?" Mama nodded enthusiastically, smiling when Dill came inside.

Addison's POV:

Dill entered the house, a big smile igniting my face.

"Hello Addison." I hugged the child, motioning for him to sit. Atticus sat beside me, our fingers intertwined with the wedding rings glistening in the light.

"I'm so glad all of you could join us. I missed you all when I went to D.C, especially my family," I feel a slight pain in my lower abdomen, ignoring it, "and all of my friends. Dill, where's your aunt?"

"Aunt Rachel is coming, she's making a dish to bring." I chuckle, groaning when the pain got a bit more hurtful.

"Doll, are you OK?" I nod, breathing in and out, in and out. Atticus stood, kneeling by me. "Rate your pain, Doll."

"Ooh, a four." I groan slightly, placing my hands on my stomach. He moves my hands, pressing and asking me where it hurt. When he poked near where my womb would be, I cried out in pain.

"We need Dr. Reynolds, Cal!" he called, carrying me upstairs in his arms.

"Ooh, you're so masculine, Atticus." he chuckled, shaking him head, and he laid me on the bed.

"Does it still hurt, Doll?" I wince when he presses it again, gritting my teeth.

"Dr. Reynolds is on his way, Mister Atticus!" he adjusts my position on the bed, making me more comfortable.

"Atticus, I think I'm having the baby regardless if it's dead or--alive."

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