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*So, another time skip to where Addison is about ready to pop*

Addison's POV:

I laid in bed, Atticus' chest to my back and his arms around my stomach. Then pains shot through me and the sheet began to moisten.

"Atticus, wake up! Honey, wake up!" I panicked, holding my stomach.

"Huh, what's going on?" he opens his eyes, rubbing them. I start hyperventilating, trying to take deep breaths. "Hon, what's wrong?" he then realizes and starts panicking, standing up and running into things. He grabs his glasses, blinking a couple of times to check his viewing.

"I think the baby is coming, help." he runs downstairs, yelling enough to wake the whole house up. Then he clambers up the stairs, with Cal at his side.

"Stay up here with Mrs. Finch, I need to call Dr. Reynolds." Cal stays by my side, holding my hand. Another contraction comes and I howl in pain, this hurt more then anything. Then Lyla comes up, watching me struggle with horror.

"Mama, are you OK?" she asks, holding onto the doorframe. I look at her with all the pain in the world, and start crying.

"It hurts! No I'm not OK!" she shakes, and then comes over to my side.

"It's OK, mama. You'll be fine." she kissed my forehead and held my other hand, Atticus running back up the stairs the stairs with Dr. Reynolds. He enters the room, telling Atticus and Lyla they need to go downstairs. They walk down and he adjusts, making me comfortable to give birth. I bite my bottom lip, a little bit of metallic tasting blood running into my mouth.

"Mrs. Finch, push. You're ready," I push, the pain getting to me. Pain flowing through with each push, cries boiling out of my mouth, "again, you're almost there!" I cry out, my sounds drowned by no more pain and a baby crying. I sigh, deflated by the trauma. He holds the baby up, smiling at me. I take the baby, grinning softly.

"Oh, another baby girl!" I hold the baby close to my chest, kissing her forehead.

"Want me to get Atticus?" I nod, ecstatic that it was all over. Atticus walked up, Dr. Reynolds following.

"Oh my. Such a beautiful baby." he comes over, pressing a kiss to my sweaty temple.

"Her name is Melanie Scarlett. Melanie Scarlett Finch." Atticus looked down at the baby, pressing a kiss to her forehead. The baby looked mostly like Atticus, with the exception of her beautiful chocolate brown eyes, which were from me.

"I love that. Reminds me of--"

"Gone with the Wind. That's where O got the name." he sat down on the edge, wrapping an arm around me.

"It's perfect. I love the name." he laid his chin on my shoulder, wrapping his arm around my waist, rubbing my side with his thumb.

"Alright, I'll let you guys see her. I'll be on my way." Dr. Reynolds exits the room, leaving Cal, me, Atticus, and Melanie. Cal fixes the pillow and I sit up more, scooching over so Atticus can be more on the bed. She exits, leaving us with the baby. Melanie opens her eyes, cooing slightly.

"She looks like you." I said grumpily, frowning. He kisses my cheek, chuckling slightly.

"She has your eyes, doll." I look up at him, and peck his lips slightly. He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, the piece having stuck to my head with the sweat.

"Yeah, but she's probably gonna be a daddy's girl. All our kids are. Except maybe Jem. He's a mommy's boy," I admit, "but who can blame them. You're sure to charm the socks off of anyone. That's how you won me." he chuckles, rubbing deeper circles into my side.

"Darling, you won me over." my face turns into a lovesick one, a flush parading across my face.

"You smooth talking son of a gun." I kiss him again, feeling him kiss back. I let go, his index finger pushing up my chin to look at him.

"Mama!" I look up, meeting eyes with Lyla and Callia. They enter, seeing the baby.

"This is Melanie Scarlett Finch, your sister." Lyla 'awws' and jumps on the bed, seeing Melanie.

"She's pretty, Addison." Callia says, looking at her. Addison nods, grinning at the two girls.

"Where's Jem and Scout?"

"They're sleeping still, dear." I nod, stretching. I sigh, yawning a tiny bit.

"You look tired, mama." I shake my head, trying not to let sleep catch me. I was unsuccessful.

"We should let her sleep. Want me to take the baby, sweetheart?" I nod slightly, letting him take Melanie. I fall right asleep, head laying on my shoulder.

Atticus' POV:

I take Melanie, cuddling her to me. She was a beauty, I think she looked mostly like her mother, to be frank. It doesn't matter, though.

"Pop, me and Callia are gonna take a walk." I nod, her and Callia exit the house with their hands intertwined. I look back down at Melanie, smiling softly.


"Mr. Finch? Mr. Tate is on the phone for you." I nod, getting up and answering the phone.


"Atticus, I'm sorry." I look at the receiver in confusion, my brow furrowed.

"Excuse me? What do you have to be sorry about, Heck?" his voice trembles, like he has something bad to tell me.

"I had to put your oldest in jail. She got into a fight. You can come get her, she didn't do anything wrong." I nod, clearing my throat.

"Thank you, Heck." he says you're welcome, and then hangs up. I give Melanie to Cal, and walk to the jail. I enter, and Heck and the two girls are there. They run to my, Lyla hugging me tightly.

"Pop, get me outta here." I chuckle, walking with them down the street.

"YEAH, GET YOUR QUEER DAUGHTER OUTTA HERE!" my head whips around, glaring in the direction of a boy.

"Excuse me?" I growl, Lyla grabbing my arm.

"Dad, it's not worth it."

"You are always worth it!"

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