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Scout's POV:

"NO! STOP! LET ME GO! MAMA! ATTICUS!" they grabbed me and ran. Where were they going to take me? I'm mighty scared.

"Wake up, Finch." he nudged me hard with his boot in my side.

"Ouch! Hey! Who do ya think you are?!" he grabs me by my upper arm, gripping mighty hard.

"I'm yer worst nightmare, princess." I grimace, kicking at him to let me go.

"Don't call me princess, you gross Ewell!" I growled, scratching the hand that was attached to my arm.

"You best watch it, Miss Finch. I won't take pity on yer beat state." he sneers, stomping on my feet.

&Triggering Warning for a Second&

"STOP! HELP! MAMA! ATTICUS!! JEM!!" he backhands me, causing me to fall.

&Triggers Done!!!&

I whimper and start crying, missing my family.

Addison's POV:

"WHAT?!?!" I cry out, gripping onto Atticus.

"She was taken by the Ewells." I press my hands to my face, running them into my hair and falling down to my side.

"I--failed as a parent." I sigh defeated, falling down to my knees. I started to weep, covering my mouth with my hands. I feel arms around me, whispering, "you didn't fail. I failed. Honey, I shouldn't have trusted those damn Ewells." as his breath shook, his hands trembling. We both remember what happened the last time we messed with the Ewells.

"Atticus, please. You didn't fail. I was the one that sat with them. I doomed us the moment I opened my mouth." I stood, running out of the room, and out of the courthouse. I speed to the house, slamming the door open. I ran upstairs and face planted into my shared bed, sobbing into the pillows. Steps enter the room and lay beside me, a hand brushed my hair.


"Mama." I sat up and pulled him into a tight hug, pressing kisses to his hair and head.

"Jem, we're going to find Scout." he nods, taking my hand.

"Mama, tell me about when you and Atticus met." I nod, pulling him into my lap (so what he was 14) and combed through his hair.

"So, when me and--"

Flashback to 1920

'I walked down the hall of the school, completely foreign to me. I enter a classroom, students sat in the tiny seats.

"Good Morning, class! I'm Miss Mayville. Nice to meet every single one of--"

"Excuse me, Miss Mayville?" I turn and there is a man with onyx hair, brown eyes, and a suit.

"Yes?" I smiled, excusing myself from the other students.

"I'm Atticus Finch," he held out his hand for me to shake and I took it, grasping it firmly and shaking it, "just wanted to greet the new teacher. Where'd you come from?"

"New York, Mister Finch." he smirks, tucking his hand in his hip pocket.

"New York? Wow, that's different." I nod, flashing a smile at this man.

"Are you a---lawyer?" he nods, his smile growing wider.

"Right on the head of the nail. You're very bright, Miss Mayville. Do you have a name?"

"I--" I giggle, "Addison."

"Very pretty name, Addison."

"I think Atticus is a very handsome name." he inclines his head, playing with his watch ever so slightly.

"Well, I'll be off," I nod, entering the class before Atticus grabs my hand, "y'know, I can show you around town after you're done teaching."

"That would be wonderful, Atticus."

"Adieu, Addison." he exits and I enter the class again.'

"Wow. That's how? Atticus told it more romantic." I chuckle, rubbing his back.

"Your father was always such a romantic mind. He says "such a sweet mocking mouth" when we debate. I am quite the debater." he smiles, hugging me.

&Timeskip to a couple days later&

"Addison!" a raise voice echoes in my ear, never having heard the raised voice but knew it was Atticus.

"Atticus?" I slipped out of the bed and ran down, almost running into my husband.

"They found her. I--they hurt her." I growl and seethe, stomping out. I meet eyes with Ewell, and march over. He opens his mouth, and I smack him.

"EVER LAY ANOTHER HAND ON ANY OF MY FAMILY MEMBERS AND I WILL MAKE SURE MY HUSBAND SHOOTS YOU DEAD!" Atticus is standing there, a smug look on his face. I spot Scout, and run, picking her up.

"Baby, are you OK?" a bruise is on her cheekbone and scrapes and cuts on her arms.

"Yeah, Mama." I nod, hugging her close to me.

"Take em' away Heck." I see the two being taken back to custody. I sigh in relief, arms wrap around me and my baby girl.

"I'm so glad you're back Scout."

"We both are, honey." I lean over my shoulder and kiss him.

"Ewww!!!" I giggle, ruffling Scout's hair.

"So, let's go inside. First I need to talk to your father. Go on inside, young lady. Your brother is waiting for you." she nods, running inside the house.

"Darling." I look up into his eyes, the corner of my lip tipping up.

"My Romeo." we intertwine fingers. He pulls me closer to him, his hands letting go of mine to clasp behind my lower back.

"My beautiful, smart, gorgeous Juliet."

"Oh Romeo." he chuckles, a real chuckle, and kisses me again.

"Oh, how wonderful you are."

"Well, we better head inside. We need sleep." he nod, letting me escort him into the house. The children are in their room, sound asleep (they fell asleep fast) and we tiptoed to our room. I'll collapse on the bed, getting under the covers, patting by me for Atticus. He slide into bed, spooning me, my back touching his chest.

"You're so wonderful, thine wife of mine."

"You're so amazing, thine husband of mine.

"Sleep dwell in thine eyes, peace in thine breast, would I sleep in peace so sweet to rest?" he quotes perfectly, his thumb rubbing against my arm. My eyes shut as if clockwork, and I let sleep take me victim into my dreams.

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