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Addison's POV:

"Well I'll be! If it isn't Logan! Last time I saw you, you were Scout's age!" he chuckles, and comes to hug me.

"Hello, Miss Addison. Motherhood has made you just as beautiful." I blush, rolling my eyes and slapping his shoulder playfully.

"Don't let Atticus hear you sayin' that stuff."

"Hear me saying what?" Speak of the Devil.

"I was just complimenting Miss Addison, Atticus." Atticus is caught off-guard, and then he smiles.

"Why, Logan Strauss! How have you been, son?" he shakes Logan's hand, and claps him on the shoulder.

"Good, how have you guys been? I haven't seen y'all in a bit." he sits down in a chair offered by Atticus, crossing his legs at the ankle.

"Excellent, dear. Atticus can you get Melanie?" he nods, and kisses my cheek.

"Melanie?" I smile, closing the book that was in my lap. Atticus then came back with Melanie, giving her to me.

"Melanie Scarlett. She's newly born." I rock her lightly, offering her to Logan. He takes her, and holds her.

"I--can I ask--er, tell you guys something?" I grab Atticus' hand, knowing exactly what was coming.

"Absolutely, son. What is it?"

"I-I'm gay." I chuckle, smiling brightly.

"Honey, I know." he deflates, then takes a breathe.

"H-How?" I take Melanie from him, giving her to Atticus and took Logan's hands.

"Hon, you had no interest in girls. I remember you kissing Joshua Mueller. It was the cutest thing ever, but your father was bent out of shape." he nods, then out of my line of vision, I see the two girls, lip-locking. Tears glistened on their cheeks, and I stand up.

"Lyla?" Logan turns, and Lyla sees him.

"Log!!!" she runs over and tackles him, hugging him tightly. He groans, and hugs her back.

"Hey, Logan." Callia says, removing her girlfriend from him.

"Hold up, what's that? A ring?" my ears perk up, staring at their hands. A blinding light blinds me, right on Callia's hand.

"Oh my god!" I start crying, latching onto Atticus. He pets my hair, hands shaking.

"Mama, me and Callia are engaged." I let go of Atticus, and hug the two close to me.

"Oh my lord, I'm so happy!" I squeal, jumping around.

"Mama, calm down!" I calmed down some, and grab Melanie from Atticus. I kiss her forehead, and cuddle her closer to me.

"Have you came up with a date?"

"Well, perhaps on April 17. We want to be married as soon as possible!" I look over to Atticus, and shrug.

"As long as you two don't regret it years from now, I'll be OK with you guys getting married so soon." they nod, and Lyla kisses Callia on the cheek. They grab Logan and go somewhere to hang out. I laugh, and sit back down.

"Darling, want me to hold her? It's your naptime about now."

"I'll be fine, Atticus. I just want to sit here and hold her. Come, sit with me." he sist down in the chair beside me. I grab his hand, holding it in mine.

"Addison, do you think they will be happy? I mean, getting married? I think it's too soon," he looks down at the ground, and clears his throat, "and if they divorce, well, it won't be good." I nod, and look down at Melanie.

"Yes, well, I trust them to make a good decision. Lyla was raised by good parents, and Callia is wonderful. Just trust them, Atticus." he leans back in the chair, deep in thought. I examine his features, his forehead when it crinkled in thought, his lips pursed naturally. He was handsome, and he was all mine. I truly loved him, and was happy to be his beloved wife, till death do us part.

"Darling, you're staring." I am brought out of my train of thought, and I blushed.

"I--" he leans over, and kisses my lips. I smile, and kiss him back.

"It's fine. I know I'm handsome." I roll my eyes, and slap his shoulder playfully.

"Oh, stop fishing for complements, Mr. Finch."

"I'm not, Mrs. Finch. I would never." I chuckle, and get up.

"I'm putting Melanie down for a nap, honey. I'm taking one too. Want to join us?" he gets up as well, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I suppose. Lyla, Callia, and Logan might need to watch the other two." I stretch out, and traipse up the stairs, Atticus right behind me. We reach the bedroom, and I set Melanie down in her crib. I climb in bed, and Atticus climbs in beside me. He wraps his arms around my waist, his nose nuzzling into my neck. My hands card through his hair, breathing evenly.

"I. Love. You." he says in between kisses which he pressed into my shoulder.

"I love you too, Atticus." I whisper, closing my eyes. I start to drift off, and before I do, his tiny snores invade my eardrums.


I open my eyes, panting. Sweat poured from my body, and Atticus sat up.

"Darling, are you alright?" he cups my face in his hands, piercing eyes looking into mine.

"I had a nightmare, that's all." I breathe out, my chest heaving rapidly.

"Will you be alright? Do you want to go back to bed?"

"No. I wanna go outside," I tell him, sitting up, "do you want to stay in bed, dear?"

"No, I'm gonna come down with you. I need to stop by the office anyway." I grin, and climb out of bed. I stretch, and he comes up behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist, chin laying on my shoulder.

"Atticus," I kiss his cheek, "let's go downstairs." he let's go, and we start down the stairs.

"Mama!" Lyla is standing at the end of the stairs, smiling brightly.

"Yes, Lyla?"

"Me an' Callia are gonna go down to the bookstore, wanna come?"

"Absolutely! Let me freshen up from my nap!" I run back up, and get freshened up.

(Sorry if this chapter isn't good! I lost inspiration then it came back to me at 3:27 am!)

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