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So, this is going to be a song fic chapter! It's Always by Panic! at the Disco. Enjoy!!

Atticus' POV:

I look at her, my beautiful wife. She is enjoying a cup of coffee, conversing with the children. I gaze upon her, her hair in a messy ponytail and her pale face is free of makeup. She really is the love of my life. She looks over, meeting my eyes.

She grins at me, taking steps and ending up near me.

"Good morning, baby. Want a coffee?" she kisses me, her brown eyes twinkling like grass that had been drenched in morning dew.

"Yes please, doll."

'When the world gets too heavy, put it on my back. I'll be your levy. You are taking me apart like bad glue on a get well card.'

She hands me a cup, and then cuddles into my side. She kisses my cheek, smiling up at me.

'It was always you, falling for me. Now there's always time calling for me, I'm the light blinking at the end of the road. Blink back to let me know.'

"So, Melanie missed you." I look over, Lyla holding Melanie. I chuckle as Melanie pulls at Lyla's hair.

"Ouch! Mel!" Lyla exclaimed, scaring the baby. Then she proceeded to start crying, Addison sighing. She takes Melanie, shushing her calmly. She really was a great mother.

'I'm a fly that's trapped in a web, but I'm thinking that my spider's dead. Lonely, lonely little life, I could kid myself in thinking that I'm fine.'

She carries her over to me, Melanie climbing into my arms. She looks at me, playing with the buttons on my suit, then my vest.

'It was always you, falling for me. Now there's always time calling for me, I'm the light blinking at the end of the road. Blink back to let me know.'

I smile down on her, picking her up and looking at her face to face.

"Hello, Melanie Scarlett." she gurgles, smiling at me. She then reaches for my glasses, and I move my head back, setting her down more. She keeps reaching for the glasses, eventually my head hitting the doorway with a 'thud'.

"Ouch." Addison takes Melanie, giving her back to Lyla.

"Pop?" she looks at my head, giggling.

"Just a bump. He's fine." She kisses my forehead.

'That I'm skin and bone, just a king and rusty throne. Oh, the castle's under siege, but the sign outside says "leave me alone"'

"She is really resistant, love." she nods, sitting down at the table.

"Come and sit down, Atticus." I nod, sitting down, Cal placing a plate in front of me.

"Mama!" I hear Scout call, running down. Along comes Jem as well, panting and out of breath.


"Tell Jem that I did see Boo Radley when he was unconscious!"

"You saw Arthur Radley? When?" she perks up, never having heard of this.

"Yeah! Bob Ewell attacked me 'n Jem, and then Boo--"

"His name is Arthur, Scout." she corrects, taking a sip of her coffee.

"--well, Arthur came and subdued Mr. Ewell. He carried Jem home and I ran home. Jem was unconscious and had a broken arm, and I got to see Bo--Arthur Radley!" her eyes brighten, smiling widely.

"Well, ain't that something! I'm sorry I wasn't there. Well, soon I'm going back to teaching. I'll be teaching you, Scout."

"Addison, tell her." she stands, hands on her hips.

"Jean Louise Finch, I ever hear of you getting into fights, I will wear. you. out. Got me?" Scout gulps, nodding.

"Yes, ma'am." Addison nods, sitting down.

"Good. Now, I think that your father needs to go to the office, and I need to get ready for the day. Have either of you guys read today?" they shake their heads, going up. She nods, and kisses me.

"Go on, Mr. Finch." I chuckle, kissing her back.

"You too, Mrs. Finch." I turn, grab my briefcase, and exit the house.

"Hello, Maudie."

"Hello, Atticus!" she waves at me, and I start on my trip to the office.

Addison's POV:

I walk up, humming, and enter the bathroom. I get ready for a shower, and jump in, my muscles tensing because of the water.


I exit, and dry off, putting on my clothes for the day which was a blue dress and blue flats, my hair up in a ponytail. I walk down, entering the kitchen.

"Cal, need any help? I'm going to the book store if not."

"Nah, Missus Finch. Go have your fun. Take Miss Lyla wit' you. I think she'll enjoy that, Missus." I nod, calling for Lyla. She comes down, with Callia.

"Hey, kiddo, wanna go to the book store?" she shakes her head, clearing her throat.

"Me and Callia are going to the park." I nod, kissing Lyla's forehead, and exit the house.

"Hello, Maudie." she smiles at me, waving.

"Hello, Addison!" I grin, and continue walking down. I run into a couple of newly-weds, smiling ear-to-ear. I greet them, and they greet back. I remember when me and Atticus were newly-weds. When we had no children yet, and I knew practically everybody.

'It was always you, falling for me. Now there's always time calling for me. I'm a light blinking at the end of the road. Blink back to let me know.'

The time we first found out I was having Lyla.

'(It was always you.)'

When we found out Jem was coming.

'Blink back to let me know.'

When Scout was in my womb. Then Melanie. Our lives increased for the better, sometimes it deacreased. Me and Atticus haven't had any major fights, and if we had minor fights, they were always the length of my pinky. I love him, I love my family, I love my town.

'(It was always you)."

So, now that our lives are better than they were last year, I gotta turn a new leaf.

'Blink back to let me know.'

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