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Addison's POV:

"Cal, can you wake the kids?" I ask her gingerly, smiling at her. She nods, heading to the kids' room.

"Good morning, darling." I feel arms around my waist and a sensual kiss to my jawline.

"Good morning, Atticus." I smile, nuzzling into the side of his neck. He turns me around to face him and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Looks like someone slept well." he jokes, spinning me around, and then setting me down.

"I did, actually. No nightmares, and DEFINITELY no pai-" a sting went through my ribs, "-n. No pain!" he chuckles, kissing the top of my head.

"Hello, Mama!" my two crazies run in, hugging me and Atticus. I kiss both of their heads, smiling happily. They then recieve the same treatment from their father, wearing his own smile.

"Kiddos, eat your breakfast. We're going to the park!" they run to where Cal is, sitting plates on the table.

"Missus Finch, may I come in?" I turn to the screen door to see Dill, peaking in at us.

"Absolutely. Dill, call me Addison. You are friends with my kids, after all." he nods, opening the door and instantly chatting with Jem and Scout.

"Addison?" I turn, Atticus' hand on my shoulder. I look into his eyes, a smile gracing my face, "I love you, so much." I smile and kiss his perfect face, a tear popping out of my eye at his declaration of love that was randomly spewed in the heat of the moment. That is why I loved him.

"Oh, Atticus---" I choke up a bit, laughing, "I love you, too!" he wipes the tear from my eye and kisses my cheek.

"Dear, you know, you're almost 31--" I groan, leaning against him. He chuckles, his hands rubbing my forearms, "and your birthday is tomorrow, so I want to spend a day with you. Please?" I giggled, kissing his face.

"Fine-e-e-e. I don't even like my birthday, but spending it with the family would be the best. Now, picnic time!" he kisses my lips, lingering for a second, then he enters the kitchen. I smile, pouring a small cup of coffee.

"Mama?" I look to see the three kids' eyes on me. I smile, taking a sip before putting it down.


"Where's Mr. Ewell?"

"Don't worry about him, kids. He's somewhere where he'll never get to us." Atticus came in with Alexandra and Cal.

"Atticus, do you think that I could speak with you?" Alexandra cut the silence with her voice. He nods, exiting, not before placing a kiss on my head, and walks with Alexandra. I look at him at he walks out, wondering what Alexandra was going say go him.

"Addison?" Dill's voice cut in, he head turning to look at him.

"Yeah, bud?"

"Can I go picnicking?" I smile, sitting down by the three kids and ruffling Dill's hair.

"Of course. We'll go when Atticus and Alexandra comes back," they nod, going outside to play. I smile, looking to Cal. She chuckles, giving me a small plate of bacon, my favorite breakfast item, "thank you, Cal. I don't know why we'd do without you." she smiles, exiting into the kitchen. I sit at the table, grabbing my favorite book, Gone With the Wind. I turn to the page I was at and started reading.


Atticus' POV:

"Alexandra, I assure you, she's wonderful!"

"She's not good enough to be a Finch!"

"Well, too late about that! She's already my wife, and it's a sin to divorce her. Why would I want to divorce her anyway?"

"Maybe you could say she committed adultery!"

"She hasn't! I'm done with this conversation, Alexandra. We're going to the park and if you're going to be negative about Addison, then you're not welcome." I get up, exiting the room.

"Atticus! Think about it!" I ignore her, walking downstairs and into the dining room.

"Darling?" she looks up from her book, smiling brightly. She gets up, and dog-ears her page.

"You ready?" I nod, hugging her to me for a second, and then she goes to get the kids. She opens the screen door, yelling out for them. She opens the door wide enough for all three to come rushing in.

"Atticus!" Scout's arms and legs attach themselves to my leg, not letting go.

"Scout," she laughs and continues, "let go of your father sweetie." she let's go and runs over to her beautiful mother.

"Mama, can we go?" she nods, looking up at me. She smirks, winking at me. I chuckle softly, taking one stride to her.

"Go tell Cal that we're getting ready." she tells them, wrapping her arm around mine, our fingers intertwining.

"My my, Mrs. Finch, I'd say you love me." I whisper into her ear, and she inaudibly shivers.

"You'd be right, Mr. Finch." she whispers back, her eyes heavily-lidded. I kiss the underside of her jaw, then her cheek, nose and finally her lips.

"Atticus! Mama! Let's go!" they rush us, dragging slowly.

"We're going, Miss Scout." I tell her, ruffling her hair. Cal comes into the dining room, giving her a basket. She thanks her, tugging me along with her and the kids. Then she slows down, the kids insistent on going faster.

"Kids, your father can't go too fast! Slow down." I raise a brow, challenging the theory.

"Oh, you think I can't race, Mrs. Finch?" she counters my challenge, getting into stance.

"One, two, THREE!" the kids shout, my wife taking off. I follow, gaining speed until eventually I am ahead of her.

"Hey!" she jumps onto my back, essentially me giving her a ride on my back.

"Addison!" I laugh, stopping dead and dropping her into the grass. She grabs my legs, knocking me down.

"You cheated!" she yells, crawling on me and begins to try to get me to wrestle. We roll around in the grass, me and her switching being on top and bottom, until she's on top.

"Actually you cheated, Darling~." I kiss her, smiling.

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