Title: Poetically Curious Q's
Chapter: 18: A Cowboys Redemption
Inspirations: The game Red Dead Redemption/Old Westerns
Music: Are to help your creativity!
Comments: Are a must!
A little history: So yes I am addicited to Red Dead my name for it. I wanted to write a poem about it because I was so inspirated.. So what I need from you lovely people of wattpadland is to answer these two questions
1. Whats words would you use to describe/define Cowboys..?
2.What words would you always use to describe/define Bandits..and the goverment.?
Authors Note: That's all and thanks for answering this and the Zombie one.. Remember you will be an honorable mention or winner and etc.. Also what did you think of the music..? Well bye dear reader/readers!
Updated: Has been posted the poem is called Gunslinger Notorious go check it out if you haven't already! Thanks!
My Curiousity of Poetic Questions W/:Feedback, Inputs, comments from you!
PoetryP.s. You Shall Be Mentioned.. These are my poetic questions.. So please really answer them as best you can! Thank you dearly for Contributing to me! Your helping the causes of my poetry.. dying..lovely